A Sister's Shame

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Book: A Sister's Shame by Carol Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Rivers
interrupted. ‘My information is that this club is looking for quality acts, not hiring loose women. That is what you meant, isn’t it?’
    ‘I was only trying to help.’
    ‘Well, you haven’t. You’ve put the damper on it instead.’
    ‘You did ask.’
    ‘I wish I hadn’t now.’
    ‘Marie, I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn. But it’s only because I care for you.’
    Marie was upset. ‘I think going out again with each other would be a mistake.’
    He reached for her hand. ‘Forget what I said. I won’t mention it again. Let me drive you up West next Saturday.’
    ‘No, thanks. We’ll be busy practising.’ She wanted to let him know she was serious about the Duke’s.
    ‘When can we meet, then?’
    She heaved a deep breath. ‘Bing, you are a very nice person. I’m sure you will find someone nice to settle down with. A girl who wants a home and a family and vegetables in the
garden, just like you do.’
    His eyebrows shot up. ‘You mean you don’t want vegetables in your garden?’
    ‘Don’t try to make me laugh. It won’t work this time.’
    ‘Tell you what, we’ll toss for it. Heads we go up West, tails we call it a day and that’s the last you’ll ever see of Bobby Bing Brown. You have my word on it.’
    ‘But that still gives you a chance.’
    ‘Yes, a small one. Go on, live dangerously.’
    She sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘All right. But hurry as I’ve got to get back.’
    He took a penny from his trouser pocket and flipped it. They both gazed at the coin on the back of his hand.
    She groaned. ‘Heads! That’s not fair.’
    ‘It’s fate,’ he said, grinning. ‘All right, friends it is, but one day we’ll drive up to Lyons and have a cream tea, then walk along the Embankment.’
    ‘You don’t give up easy, do you?’
    ‘I’ve got to go home,’ she said, blushing. ‘Vesta’s waiting.’
    ‘Righto. Hold on to this.’ Again he gave her his arm. On the way, he began to talk about his parents, Ivy and Johnny Brown, who lived in Aldgate. He reminded her he’d done a
little travelling in the Navy. He even said that he would like to go to America to see his idol, Bing Crosby.
    ‘So you have got a dream,’ she said in surprise.
    ‘I don’t expect I’ll get round to it.’
    ‘America . . .’ she breathed, thinking of all the famous film stars she’d seen at the pictures. ‘I’d like to visit, too.’
    ‘You’re on. With your looks and my money we could go a long way.’
    She burst into laughter. As they walked, Marie knew she liked him – perhaps liked him too much. He always seemed to be able to win her round. But she had promised herself that romance
wasn’t yet for her. And she meant to keep that promise, even if Bing Brown had other ideas!

Chapter 9
    ‘I’m not convinced we’ve got it right,’ said Marie later that day after they had been practising to the records in their bedroom. They had the place to
themselves as Ada and Hector had gone out. The Victor phonograph needed a new needle but that hadn’t stopped them dressing up in their costumes; pale pink and silver dresses with full skirts
and taffeta petticoats that bounced around them as they danced. They only just fitted now, Marie reflected as she tried to adjust the bodice. The dresses had seen many alterations since the day Ada
had first found them hidden under piles of crumpled clothing on the market stall. But they still looked pretty.
    ‘Why’s that?’ Vesta sank down on the bed, raising her feet to study the scuffs on her well-worn tap shoes. ‘These songs are our signature tunes, made famous by our
    ‘Yes, but it’s all swing and jazz nowadays. Fanny Brice and Josephine Baker are more popular.’
    ‘I still think our songs will do.’
    Marie frowned thoughtfully as she played with the soft silk bows on her dress. ‘We know the words to “Falling In Love Again”. We’ve sung it enough on the way home from
work since we saw Marlene Dietrich looking so

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