A Ship's Tale

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Book: A Ship's Tale by N. Jay Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. Jay Young
you’re going to sail her out of here free and clear,” Robert said. Harris smiled, “As I said, I’ve no intention of doing so.”
    â€œYou don’t?” I said baffled.
    â€œYou don’t know either, Flynn?” Robert asked in shock and surprise.
    â€œUh…well, all things in good time,” I said sheepishly.
    We clambered from the car and bolted for the Inn door to find all as we’d left it. I made a point of going for a drink, but I needn’t have bothered. The lovely bar maid met me with a glass of my favourite beer. Seeing her close up like this, I understood my attraction. Her hair flashed with glints of chestnut and auburn, all in a lovely halo for such a sweet face. I couldn’t understand why I had not noticed all this about her before. I realised that I was staring and turned away in embarrassment as she continued on her rounds. Bowman noticed my interest.
    â€œIf I were you, I’d keep my rod in my britches and my tongue in my mouth,” he said.
    â€œYou’d do no such thing,” I said firmly. “Besides, if you did do so you’d piss yourself while starving.” Bowman gave me an evil look as Harris laughed.
    â€œHold your hand out, naughty boy!” sang Robert.
    â€œCome on, come on,” Harris clucked, “let’s keep to the business at hand. Now then, this is Monday and most of us have got work to do, so let’s get together on Thursday and decide how to handle the circus and anything else that’s not been decided.”
    â€œAnd why not sooner?” asked Robert. “I don’t have that much on the go by day.”
    Harris raised a finger. “We all have our little missions to accomplish in the next few days. Plus we should be going about our usual business, so no one will take notice of what’s about to happen.”
    Boris lifted his head off the table, “Something is going to happen?” he asked blearily.
    â€œNo, not now,” Bowman sighed. “We’d best be off. Come on Boris, get up.”
    We all got ready to brave the cold again and headed for the door. I found that I had to pass the barmaid and paused to lose myself in her blue eyes once more. “Good night love,” I said, tipping my cap. “See you around if Mrs. Beasley doesn’t kill me first.”
    She smiled a glowing smile and I felt myself go soft inside. In the next instant Harris had brusquely pulled me out the door.
    â€œAnd just what are you on about?” I barked, sourly.
    â€œDidn’t want you making a fool of yourself,” he laughed.
    â€œI wasn’t doing so badly!” I said in protest.
    â€œQuit while you’re behind, Flynn,” Robert laughed.
    â€œCome on boys, I’ll give you a ride,” Harris said, leading the way towards his car.
    â€œCourage lads!” I called after them thinking of Harris’s driving. I turned to the stairs that led to my waiting pillow, all the while remembering that warm smile and those haunting blue eyes.

Chapter 5
    The sun was just peeping through the trees on the hill, but I was already on the job. I was locked in a life-and-death struggle with a hateful vine whose roots were sprawling everywhere. I had already spent most of a rainy Wednesday sweating over the wretched thing. Here it was Thursday, and I was still slaving away at it. I looked up and saw Mrs. Beasley approaching from the kitchen garden with a large spray of rosemary in her hand.
    â€œGood morning, Mr. Flynn,” she said stiffly. By her floury apron I guessed that she was at her baking, and when she was at her baking she was even testier than usual.
    â€œGood morning, Mrs. Beasley,” I panted from atop a mountain of torn-up growth. “However did this come to be so overgrown?”
    â€œWell, we’ve been at war,” she said pettishly.
    â€œSo I heard,” I responded dryly, “in fact, it was in all the papers.”

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