A Proper Family Christmas

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Book: A Proper Family Christmas by Chrissie Manby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chrissie Manby
decision not to run after her bestie, like they were starring in some Disney made-for-TV movie about high school friends. She wasn’t Jessica’s Siamese twin. She could make her own choices. Instead, Izzy sank back on to the cushions next to Saul. His leg was brushing against hers. She could feel the heat through her jeans. Saul was rolling another joint, hopelessly. Izzy asked him if she could help.
    ‘Yeah. You’re the best at this,’ he said.
    Izzy deftly manoeuvred the rolling paper between her thin fingers to make a tight little tube of tobacco and the last of the weed. She licked the edge of the paper to make it stick. She fixed her eyes on Saul’s while she did it. He looked straight back at her.
    ‘You’re a top girl, Izzy. You’re different,’ he said. ‘Yeah.’

Chapter Fourteen
    Back in the garden at the Great House, Annabel and Richard were enjoying a bottle of prosecco in the last of the sun. Well, Richard was enjoying it. Annabel thought the prosecco tasted like licking zinc. Anyway, the conversation had moved, as it always seemed to, on to the subject of their daughter. They were both proud of her and enjoyed these moments, when it was just the two of them in private conversation, when they could reminisce and brag without worrying about boring their company. They were their daughter’s biggest fans.
    ‘I worry about Jessica though,’ said Annabel. ‘She’s not the kind of friend I would have chosen for Izzy. She cares so much about what she looks like. She dresses like she’s auditioning for TOWIE and she doesn’t seem terribly sensible. I wish Izzy wouldn’t just follow what Jessica does all the time.’
    ‘But those other girls. Gina and Chloe. They’re very sensible,’ said Richard. ‘And so is Izzy. The thing is, the more we try to discourage her from hanging out with girls like that, the greater appeal they’ll hold.’
    ‘Well, I suppose Jessica is doing all right at school. And her mother, while she isn’t the sort of person I would choose to have around, does seem to be very caring.’
    ‘We should have them over,’ said Richard. ‘Jessica’s parents. What are their names? Jodie and—’
    ‘No way! You’d spend the whole evening looking at her cleavage.’
    ‘Perhaps they’re swingers,’ said Richard. ‘Perhaps we could reinstate the swingers’ evenings here.’
    The rumour in the village was that the previous owner of the Great House had used it as a venue for wild sex parties. He’d imported hookers from Russia especially.
    ‘There were no swingers’ evenings here,’ said Annabel. ‘That’s just envy talking. He never invited anyone from the village to the house and so they made up all that ridiculous nonsense about swingers’ parties to get their own back.’
    ‘We never invite anyone from the village here. I wonder what they say about us,’ Richard mused.
    ‘I invite people from the village here all the time,’ Annabel protested.
    ‘In your role as Lady Bountiful.’
    ‘I think I did my part this year. I let God-only-knows-who traipse all over the house. That family …’ Annabel shuddered. ‘The ones with the little boy who knocked over the suit of armour.’
    ‘Our family heirloom!’ Richard exclaimed, laughing at the very thought of it. The armour from the French junk shop. ‘Thank goodness it was OK.’
    ‘I know, but why couldn’t they just keep their child under control? They were feral. Next year, I want you to do the tour with me. You can bring up the rear. Make sure no one is hanging about. Like that girl Izzy claims she caught in her room.’
    ‘You’re doing it again next year?’ Richard frowned. ‘Do we have to?’
    ‘Yes,’ said Annabel. ‘We do.’
    ‘Anything for you, my love.’ Richard planted a kiss on Annabel’s neck and started to growl lasciviously.
    ‘Richard,’ said Annabel. ‘Remember your blood pressure!’
    Then Izzy texted. I hope you’re behaving yourselves!

Chapter Fifteen
    Just after

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