A Promise Worth Remembering (Promises Collection)

Read Online A Promise Worth Remembering (Promises Collection) by Cyndi Faria - Free Book Online

Book: A Promise Worth Remembering (Promises Collection) by Cyndi Faria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Faria
happily-ever-after as much as I did crafting their story!
    As always, knowing you spent time with two of my courageous characters as they faced their inner demons and learned to open their hearts and let love inside, warms my heart. Thank you so much for your tremendous support!
    Did you know your positive ranking of this book on Amazon will make a real difference in getting the story into more reader’s hands? So please consider writing an honest review for A Promise Worth Remembering . It’s easy and only takes a few moments. And I would really appreciate it!
    If you enjoyed this story, I’m working on A Promise Worth Sharing (#3 in the Promises Collection), available Fall 2013. I can’t wait to share Colton and Bethany’s quest to find their happily-ever-after. For progress updates, visit www.cyndifaria.com and click follow .
    Wishing you peace and happiness always, Cyndi Faria

Other Kindle titles by Cyndi Faria:
    A Promise Worth Keeping
    Clayton has a real mess on his hands. Not only have garden vandals threatened the Remy Estate's Valentine's Day celebration, but Clayton’s girlfriend Sarah has proposed despite knowing he doesn't believe in lasting love.
    By hunkering down in the garden all night, Clayton hopes to solve one of his problems and catch the vandals in the act. Instead, will Clayton finally face his fears and become a man worth loving?
    “[A] wonderful short story! Cyndi Faria crafted a lovely romance that'll melt your heart…”
    To read A Promise Worth Keeping (#1 in the Promises Collection)—A five-star No. 1 Free Kindle and bestselling short romance—click on the title above or here .

About the Author:
    Cyndi Faria is an engineer turned romance writer whose craving for structure is satisfied by plotting emotional and cozy paranormal romance stories about cursed spirits, lost souls, harbingers, and even a haunted coastal town. If you love a tale with courageous heroes and heroines, where their unconditional love for each other gives them strength to defeat their inner demons, Cyndi Faria invites you to enter the pages of her stories and find happily-ever-after.
    On and off her sexy romance pages, this California country girl isn’t afraid to dirty her hands fighting for the underdog and caretaking rescued pets. Find her helping fellow writers and leading readers to happily-ever-after at www.cyndifaria.com

    To Virna DePaul, my awesome friend and critique partner, whose mentoring helps me every day with writing and in life. Special thank you to an amazing editor Linda Carroll-Bradd, owner of LustreEditing.com, and to my first readers Susan Hatler and Jill James for your endless support. Thank you to my boys C, M, & J. You boys keep me grounded, you keep me wanting to better the world by action and through words. And thank you to my wonderful mom, who taught me to always look to the future and to love unconditionally.

    A Promise Worth Remembering
    Copyright © 2013 by Cyndi Faria
    All rights reserved.
    Cover Photos: 123rf Stock
    Cover Design: Cyndi Faria
    Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book.
    A Promise Worth Remembering is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
    License Notes
    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share

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