A Promise Kept

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Book: A Promise Kept by Robin Lee Hatcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Lee Hatcher
Tags: Ebook
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Kings Meadow.”
    Did Allison hear a tinge of irritation in the other woman’s words? She couldn’t be sure.
    Marsha waved a hand, as if chasing away a pesky fly. “Don’t mind me. I just know that it’s warm today but we could get our first snowfall any day.”
    “Really? This early?”
    “Trust me. It can be this early. You never know in these mountains.”
    Would Allison suffer from cabin fever? Aunt Emma hadn’t. She used to say winter was when she got the most work done, and that allowed her to play more in the summer. Allison remembered the smell of chemicals seeping under the door from the darkroom where her aunt developed her photographs, and it made her smile.
    I’ll just hope I’m more like Aunt Emma and less like Marsha Leonard .
    Susan reentered the kitchen, putting an end to the brief conversation. “Everyone’s here. Chet’s going to bless the food. Come on outside.”
    The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly. Allison made a few new acquaintances and enjoyed the company of others she’d met already over the summer. Over dessert, she took particular interest when several men, including Ned and Chet, got into a debate regarding the timing of a bank robbery in Kings Meadow in the previous century.
    “I’m telling you,” Ned said, “that didn’t happen in the thirties. It happened during the second World War.”
    Chet shook his head. “You’re wrong. It was during the Great Depression.”
    “Where’s your boy?” a man whose name Allison had momentarily forgotten asked. “Rick’ll know. They cover that in high school history.”
    Chet straightened and looked around. “I don’t see him. Must be inside or maybe down at the barn.” Then his gaze fell on Allison. “If your aunt were here, she could tell us. Emma Carter knew the history of this area as well as any historian.”
    The other men nodded.
    Allison smiled. “Yes, she did. I always loved her stories about Kings Meadow.”
    “Folks up here have always appreciated a good storyteller,” Chet said, returning her smile. “And your aunt was the best storyteller I ever heard.”
    His comment warmed Allison’s heart. She’d thought the same about Aunt Emma, and it delighted her to hear someone else say so.

    Emma was working on needlepoint—at her mother’s insistence—when Liza burst into the parlor. Always beautiful with her blond hair, blue eyes, pale complexion, and a lithe figure that seemed custom ordered for the current fashions, Liza absolutely glowed with happiness as she joined her sister on the settee.
    Emma set aside her needlework, glad for an excuse to stop. Even more glad to spend time alone with her younger sister. There were too few opportunities these days. Liza rarely went anywhere without her husband. Emma missed those many nights when the two sisters would lie awake, talking, sharing secrets, giggling about something that happened at school. With Liza married and setting up a home of her own, Emma felt as though a part of her was missing. To make matters worse, now their mother’s attention was totally focused on her elder daughter’s unmarried state. As if Emma needed Mama’s constant reminders of the many ways she failed.
    Liza took hold of Emma’s hand and squeezed her fingers. “You will never guess my news.”
    “What is it?”
    Irritation—but with her mother, not with Liza—made her jaw twitch. “Why should I try if you say I will never guess it?”
    Liza wasn’t fazed by Emma’s ill humor. In fact, her smilebroadened. “Okay. I’ll tell you. I’ve seen the doctor and I’m going to have a baby.”
    “A baby? Already?”
    “You sound surprised. John and I have been married almost three months.” Liza laughed. Then her voice dropped to a whisper, even though they were alone in the room. “The truth is, I must have gotten pregnant on our honeymoon. We couldn’t get enough of each other. Still can’t.”
    Embarrassment caused Emma’s face to grow hot. She was

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