A Prize Beyond Jewels

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Book: A Prize Beyond Jewels by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
moistening the already swollen and aching folds between her thighs.
    ‘You aren’t afraid to take what you want, after all.’ He gave a throaty and appreciative chuckle as he lifted one of his hands and entwined it in the fiery length of her hair, looking deeply into her eyes for several searching seconds before using that pressure to tilt her head back and sideways as he claimed her lips with his own.
    Firm and yet softly sensual lips, that sipped and tasted hers for long torturous minutes, his tongue a fiery caress against that melting softness before his kiss hardened, deepened, as his tongue plunged into the heated warmth of her mouth, duelling before entwining sensuously with hers.
    Nina’s hands moved across Rafe’s shoulders to allow her fingers to become entangled in the silky length of his ebony hair as she held him against her. He continued to kiss her deeply, hungrily, his hands moving restlessly down the length of her spine before cupping her bottom and pulling her into the hardness of his arousal, leaving Nina in no doubt as to the length and thickness of that arousal as his shaft throbbed and pulsed against her thighs.
    That continued sensual assault, of Rafe’s lips and tongue, drove Nina’s arousal higher still, until her whole body felt on fire with the need for more. So much more.
    She gasped for air, her throat arching as Rafe’s mouth released hers to seek out the hollows and dips of her neck. One of Rafe’s hand’s moved to slip the thin shoulder strap of her gown down onto her arm as the heat of his lips now seared across her exposed skin. The zip of Nina’s gown felt cold against her heated flesh as he slid the fastening slowly downwards and allowed both straps of her gown to fall the length of her arms and expose her naked breasts.
    The heat of Rafe’s lips now followed the slope of her bared breasts, his tongue licking, tasting, tormenting her fevered flesh. Nina’s knees buckled, only the strength of Rafe’s arm about her waist continuing to hold her up as she felt the heat of his mouth close over the swollen aching tip of her breast before he suckled it deeply into that heat.
    Oh, dear heaven!
    And it was heaven, dear, sweet torturous heaven, as Rafe’s hand cupped, caressed that aching nipple as he turned his attention to her other breast, suckling that swollen nipple deeply and then softly, his fingers and tongue a never-ending torment against her roused and sensitive flesh, pleasuring her, and causing those folds to swell between her thighs as her juices first dampened and then completely wet her panties.
    Nina gave a choked sob. She was on fire; she needed—oh, God—she needed—
    She gasped her disappointment as Rafe’s mouth released her and he raised his head slightly, eyes dark as he gazed down at the red and swollen tips of her breasts.
    ‘So pretty,’ he murmured gruffly as he touched each of her swollen nipples in turn with the softness of his fingertips.
    Nina could barely breathe as she waited to see what Rafe intended to do next. Hoping it was what she wanted him to do.
    Rafe gazed his fill of Nina’s beautiful breasts, tipped by pretty peach nipples that had become red and engorged from the attention of his hands and mouth. Nipples that still begged for those attentions.
    Attention he was more than willing to give her. Just as he longed to explore the silken folds between her thighs. He could smell Nina’s arousal now, creamy and yet with an added enticing spice. And he longed to lap up that creaminess, to drink in her essence even as his lips and tongue explored those swollen folds, and then he wanted to swallow her down, to be able to taste her in his mouth and throat for hours afterwards.
    That Nina wanted those things too he was in no doubt as she looked up at him, green eyes dark with her arousal, a flush to her creamy cheeks, and her lips parted invitingly as she breathed raggedly.
    And he couldn’t do it.
    Oh, Rafe knew what the newspapers printed about

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