A Pinch of Kitchen Magic

Read Online A Pinch of Kitchen Magic by Sandra Sookoo - Free Book Online

Book: A Pinch of Kitchen Magic by Sandra Sookoo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Sookoo
Tags: Humor, Magic, Contemporary Romance, paranormal romance, Cooking, fantasy romance, Foodie, kitchen diasters
shoulders. “I’m so sorry. The flour bag must have been knocked
loose by our, ah, activity.”
    Matteus narrowed his eyes. “How
interesting you have virtually no flour on yourself.” He sneezed
twice before he caught the state of the rest of the kitchen. A
metallic din invaded his ears. “Obviously, magic and arousal do not
play well together in your mind.” Pots, pans and serving platters
whizzed merrily inside a miniature tornado in the middle of the
kitchen. As flour slowly became sucked into the torrent, the
whirlwind turned a weird off-white color. His lips twitched as a
few carving knives flew by. “Looks like Casper met Freddy in
there.” Despite the levity of the situation, having knives flying
willy-nilly through the kitchen bordered on dangerous. “You vex me,
    “ Again, I’m sorry. I can’t
grasp the concept of controlling both energies together. It’s
either one or the other, and as you know, I’m not good at keeping
them under control.”
    “ I am aware.” With the
simple crook of his finger, he put the kitchen to rights. “Never
mind. Perhaps you should nail down anything bigger than a frying
pan and put the rest in locked cabinets. Otherwise, you’ll terrify
the poor man you eventually marry or hook up with.”
    “ Right.”
    He lost his ability to speak when she
gently blew in his ear. “Ack!” When he cocked an eyebrow, she
blinked. “Must you persist in catching me off guard?”
    “ I must. Also, you had
flour in your ear.” Shrugging, she moved to her chicken and began
picking at it, eating small pieces. “I may never find anyone I like
well enough to marry, but we’ve already discussed this.”
    “ Then forget the forever.
Why not look for a happy-for-now scenario?” With me. For one night and let us both become lost in a
pleasure deeper than the ages…
    “ We’ll see. My track
record with the males of the species isn’t a good one. I don’t want
to keep repeating my mistakes. Especially those that happen when
the physical aspects of being with a man are involved.”
    “ I think most of those
so-called mistakes were made on the part of the males in your
life.” Needing space to think, Matteus moved to the opposite side
of the kitchen. The sight of her slightly kiss-swollen lips sent
desire tumbling through his insides again. “Or, you could find a
magically inclined man. Then you wouldn’t need to worry about
carefully controlling your energies. With the right sort of man, he
could counter-act any magical mistakes that might occur.” He argued
with his consciousness. Why had he suggested such a thing, even if
it was true? It would put her in danger right along with
    Aidan undid the apron strings at her
waist then wadded the fabric into a tight ball. “Maybe, but you
know how rare those sort of men are.” She chucked the apron into a
corner. “Aunt Hettie said if I were fortunate to find a man like
that, I should hang onto him.”
    He drew in a deep breath and let it
out slowly. “I agree. Your aunt is very wise when it comes to
    “ Too bad I haven’t found
that guy, huh?” Her gaze contained no guile, only a slight
    He cleared his
throat. Should I press my case even though
it violates everything I believe in? “I
envy your future man.” His smile felt forced. Better to create a divide between us. At least then she’ll
remain safe as will my sanity. “But then,
I’ve seen your destructive force in action, so perhaps I don’t envy
him all that much. You’d drive me crazy with your untried
    “ As if you and I getting
together would ever be possible.” Her happy expression faltered.
“It’s a good thing we’re not a couple. Your arrogance and attention
to detail really annoy me. I have a feeling you’d stifle
    “ I see.” Even though he’d
initiated the spat, disappointment crashed through his chest,
robbing him of breath. “Well, then, I guess there’s nothing left to
do but finish

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