A Perfect Love

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Book: A Perfect Love by Hot Tree Editing, Becca Lee, Lm Creations Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hot Tree Editing, Becca Lee, Lm Creations
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go back and make things right. I know I can’t, but I want to.
I need to let you know I am being released soon. In just 6 weeks, I can try to make things right.
Just let me try.
    I scrunched up the paper and threw it in the bin in the parking lot, feeling my stomach recoil once again. There was no way to sum up the gut-wrenching anger whenever I read his words. How in the hell did he ever expect to make things right? He’d raped her, damaged her, and destroyed a piece of her soul. He was screwed up in the head thinking he could even reach out to her. The letter was just another example of the selfish bastard he was. Forcing the events back on Jo once again, a long seven years after he’d smudged her heart, was a step too far.
    Clenching my fists and breathing out deeply, trying to shake my anger, I took a moment before climbing in my car and driving off. I refused to look in the rear-view mirror. As far as I was concerned, there was no more looking back. I had my perfect life waiting at home for me, growing our family and no doubt preparing to kick the crap out of me since the fifteen missed calls on my phone indicated she’d found my note.

Chapter Seven
    When I got my hands on him, I was going to throttle him. Seriously. The chicken-shit had left a half-hidden note telling me he’d gone to the correctional facility, which made me sick to my stomach. Not only because Liam was having to face David, the man whom he hadn’t seen in all these years, but it also made reality hit me smack in the forehead.
    It meant the letter was real, which also meant that his release was scarily real, too.
    I refused to pace the floor. And thinking it best to be out of the house when he arrived home—I was liable to pounce on him if I stayed—I grabbed my car keys and headed to my parents’ house.
    It didn’t take long before I was sitting in my folks’ kitchen, the air-conditioning pumping out delicious cool air as I sipped an ice tea. I relaxed and sighed in contentment. I had moments when I would react to situations without fully thinking things through, and I was never more aware of that than over the last few weeks since I found out I was going to be a mum. Which was one of the reasons I knew it was best to calm down and attempt to behave like a grown-up when Liam returned.
    I was still pissed, but not really at him. I knew why he’d gone. I also understood why he’d gone without telling me. I was unbelievably angry at the situation, so much so, I could barely get my head around the audacity of David, but that didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of how I was really feeling. All I wanted to do was vomit. A persistent ball of nausea sat heavily in my stomach since I read his letter. My reaction didn’t help me at all, as every time I felt close to vomiting, I thought about the baby growing in my belly. And every time I thought about my baby, I then felt even more nauseous, worrying my upset stomach may harm my unborn child. It was a vicious bloody circle, and, I was sure, an irrational one at that. Of course, my anger, fear, sickness and a whole heap of other emotions I dared not put names to, rushed through my stupid brain and body regardless.
    Sometimes, I wished I could rewind, but I never knew where exactly I would pause and press play. I wondered if I hadn’t read the letter would that have made any difference. I knew I wouldn’t be on the edge and feeling sick, but I also knew if I hadn’t and instead discovered he was released without me knowing, then it would have been a whole lot worse.
    I considered whizzing back to all those years ago. That night at the party. The night when my life tore apart. Life was filled with ifs and buts and what ifs; it was an aspect which I hated. There was no point. Turning back the time would not have made me the woman I was to become. Despite the shit I had been dealt, I’d also been given some pretty amazing moments, too. It was the need

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