A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book

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Book: A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book by Ceisiwr Serith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ceisiwr Serith
From all that has come to me that should not have come,
may I be purified.
From all that is not in the right place.
or has happened at the wrong time,
may I be purified,
that I may put these things behind me and step again onto the path of the Holy Ones.
May I be pure, may I be pure, may I be pure.
That we aren't impure by nature, and only made so by error, is made clear to us in this ritual. Water washes away only what's on the outside, removes that which does not belong.
I purify you with water, then,
Making you what you truly are,
Making you what you already are,
Making you what you have always been:
pure to be in the presence of the gods.
May this water wash away everything that keeps me from seeing the sacred through which I walk, the Ocean of spirits through which I walk.
May the water with which I anoint my forehead be a stream to wash away the impurities of my everyday life.
Lion-headed god, of fiery breath,
burn away from me all that separates myself from the divine.
Fear-inspiring entity,
do your worst,
do your best.

Sacred Space
Above and below,
and me between.
Around and about,
and me in the midst.
Before and after,
and me here now.
The waters support and surround me
The land extends about me
The sky reaches out above me
At the center burns a living flame.
Open your eyes and look around
and see the sacred in our midst
and see us in the midst of the sacred.
If you truly know that you're truly here
then you'll truly know that the holy is here
and always was.
The Sacred Space is here.
The Sacred Time is now.
Nowhere to travel,
nothing to wait for.
Just know it to be true,
and you are there
and you are then.
It is by standing here that we know this place to be sacred.
It is by doing holy things that we know this day to be sacred.
It is by worshiping the Holy Ones with all that we are
that we will know that we are sacred,
and will carry the sacred into all places,
on all days.
I am here
and I belong here.
How could I not when every deed and decision I have made in my life has brought me here?
Whether arriving here has brought me good or ill,
or brought good or ill to others,
here is where I belong.
And it is from here that I must pray.
We have come to worship today,
making this time sacred by worshipping
and this space by worshipping together.
We are standing here.
You are standing here.
I am standing here.
We are standing here.
And today we will raise open hands
and pray to those who are holy
with sweet words of welcome.
From the home to the wild,
I walk a sacred path.
From the wild to the home,
I walk a sacred path.
The wild is sacred.
The home is sacred.
The wild and the home, both sacred.
Most sacred of all, the Path between.
We are here.
We are here.
We are here.
And here is where we will worship the Holy Ones.
The time is now.
The time is now.
The time is now.
And now is when we will worship the Holy ones.
Never denying the holiness of Here.
Never denying the holiness of Now.
Never denying the presence of the Holy Ones in all Heres and Nows.
In this prayer, mead is poured into a bowl, and then cast as an offering in the directions as noted. The prayer is complemented by a closing prayer found in chapter 11 :
We stand, pillars, in the center of the world,
while all else turns about us.
In the center, Chaos enters Cosmos.
It endangers and enlightens it,
gifting it with power:
Power to the South [offering]
Power to the West [offering]
Power to the North [offering]
Power to the East, [offering]
the place of prayer, the place of light,
the place of the Holy Ones.
And power to the Center, [offering]
where we stand, pillars,
while all else turns about

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