A Night of Misbehaving

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Book: A Night of Misbehaving by Carmen Falcone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carmen Falcone
nod, then turned his attention to her. “I’ve always carried it with me, because of Dad. Never quite understanding his words. Till you came along.”
    A ripple of excitement skated up her spine. She took a step back, leaning against the desk just in case her knees betrayed her.
    “I get it now.” His gaze undressed her. “Even though I wasn’t honest with you when I showed up in Carl’s place…I believe this whole thing was supposed to happen.” He made a circular gesture with his hands. “Which brings me here. I met you in a social atmosphere with a professional goal in mind. And now I came to your place of work with nothing but personal intentions.”
    “How can I believe you?” What if, for some reason, he still wanted to butter her up just to get the pitch? What if he thought she was that stupid?
    He opened the door behind him wide and proceeded to open the blinds of her office, which led to Tessa’s and the other assistants’ desks. “Because I’m about to kiss you in front of whoever wants to see. That’ll ruin my chances of getting approval from this company because your opinion will be biased.”
    “You wouldn’t.”
    “Want to bet?” Each step he took toward her provoked a pounding in her chest. The smaller the step, the harder the thump. “I’ll show you that you are the only woman I’ve ever met who took my mind off work.” The smile faded from his face and he raised his brow. “I lost my marriage to work. But not you, Georgia Taylor. I won’t lose you to work as well. Because the way my heart races when I’m with you, the longing to hear your voice…these sensations aren’t going anywhere.”
    He was so close she could smell that he’d recently taken a shower. So close, she could stretch her fingers and touch his light green shirt.
    She swallowed hard, her brain trying to process his logic but failing miserably. “W—what are you saying?” She massaged her temples, closing her eyes to think straight without looking at the gorgeous man in front of her. The man who demanded an answer. A reaction. Anything.
    “If you think for one moment I’ll give up, you are wrong. I can’t lose you,” he whispered.
    He’s not…giving up? His stare pinned her in place. She gripped the edge of the desk with her fingers, praying for clarity. All of her throbbed with anticipation. With the naked truth quickly unfolding inside her mind.
    There was only so much she could deny herself. She could avoid. And Brent Turner wasn’t one of them. But she needed to tell him.
    “When Shawn found out I was pregnant and left me, I was hurt, but deep down I was relieved, because I’d have full control over my daughter’s well-being.” She twined her fingers together, trying to extract courage. She couldn’t stop. Not when freedom surpassed the fear of letting someone in. Of letting him in. “And when I was with you, I felt light and free, like I hadn’t in a long time. But a part of me was also scared.”
    “You don’t have to be,” he whispered.
    I know that now. “When I heard that phone message and found out you lied, I wanted you out of my life. I knew it would hurt, but I never thought getting over you would be so damn hard.” A tear made its way out of the corner of her eye and rolled down her heated cheek.
    Smiling, he wiped it off her skin. “I’m falling for you, Georgia Taylor. And until you found out about Carl, I sensed you felt the same way.”
    She gasped, and he took that moment to kiss her, sliding his tongue inside her mouth and proving with his body what she could no longer deny. Cupping her head, he deepened the kiss, their bodies molding to each other as if they had never parted. Like they’d found home.
    She arched toward him and linked her arms around his neck. “Well, you are perceptive, I’ll give you that.” She deposited small kisses on his cheek.
    “I’ll show you…I’m not that bad,” he whispered in her ear. A tingle of happiness spread through her. Sexy Dad

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