A Modern Day Persuasion

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Book: A Modern Day Persuasion by Kaitlin Saunders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlin Saunders
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Instead, Anne brought mostly casual basics, and only threw in two dresses just in case they went out. Her first ensemble made her look like she’d put on a few pounds. She probably had, but she didn’t want to advertise it. Her only evening dress was too fancy, prompting Anne to wonder at the reaction if she showed up in that. No way did she want to look desperate! Anne finally settled on an outfit that would suffice, using a basic black skirt and a dressier top but made a mental note to go on an emergency shopping spree just in case another encounter with Rick occurred.
    At five o’clock, Anne’s hair was done and she was putting on the final touches of lipstick when she heard Mary yelling hysterically. Anne rushed from the bathroom to see Mary standing at the front door crying frantically.
    “What’s wrong!?!” Anne asked.
    With terror in her eyes, Mary gasped, “Its Nicholas. He’s fallen from a tree! Oh, Anne!” Mary let out a sob, “He’s unconscious!”
    Instantly, Anne took charge. “Did you move him?”
    Mary shook her head, now overcome with grief and unable to speak. Anne looked beyond Mary to the yard outside to see Little Charlie kneeling next to his motionless brother under a large tree.
    “Okay,” Anne said calmly, “You need to stay with Nicholas while I call an ambulance.”
    Mary nodded and turned to head back to her sons.
    “Mary!” Anne yelled, catching her sister. “Do you know where Charles is?”
    Mary shook her head while wiping away spilling tears. Anne immediately headed for the phone. As she dialed 9-1-1, Anne prayed for Nicholas, hoping to still the anxiety she was feeling. “Dear God. Please, please let him be alright.”
    The operator picked up, “Black Butte 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
    Bracing herself to stay calm Anne began, “There’s been an accident…”

Chapter 12
    A few hours later, after safely arriving at the hospital, Nicholas was sitting in bed eating his dinner while sipping some apple juice and watching cartoons. Little Charlie sat silently on the empty bed next to him, enjoying the crayons and coloring book the nurse had brought in earlier. Now that Nicholas was alert and conscious, Mary was back to herself again, looking tired and bored. Her comments mostly consisted of complaints surrounding how she abhorred the way hospitals smelled or how bad the food tasted. Anne watched the boys from the end of Nicholas’ bed, glad that Nick was okay. She offered up a silent praise to God for Nicholas’ stable condition. It had been a miracle her nephew hadn’t been seriously injured.
    Hurried footsteps echoed in the hall outside. In a panicked state Charles rushed in, and with a strained voice croaked, “What happened?” He was greeted with smiles from all, and the tension in his face evaporated at the sight of Nicholas sitting cheerfully in bed.
    “Charles!” “Daddy!” chimed Mary and Little Charlie respectively as they ran into his open arms.
    Charles looked to Anne for an explanation, which she readily supplied. “Nicholas knocked himself unconscious falling from a tree. As you can see, he’s much better.” Anne glanced over at Nicholas with a smile. Her young nephew had moved onto dessert, savoring the ice cream bar that followed the completion of his dinner. Anne continued, “Thenurse said all of his vitals look good and the doctor should be here shortly.” Charles nodded in relief.
    Ten minutes later, the doctor arrived. He and Charles stepped into the hall to speak privately. Moments later, Charles came back into the room with a reassuring smile on his face. “Good news! The doctor said Nicholas only incurred a mild concussion, but to be safe, he’ll need to stay the night as an extra precaution.”
    “Oh, that’s a relief,” Mary said, standing.
    Charles looked at his watch. “Well, since Nicholas is going to be okay, I hope you all don’t mind if I hit the road? I’m starving. If I head out now, I can still make it to my

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