Read Online A MATTER OF TRUST by Kimberley Reeves - Free Book Online

Book: A MATTER OF TRUST by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
mating. But it was not enough, not even close. She wanted more, she wanted…
    Maddy jerked her mouth away. “Chase…”
    “I know, sweetheart,” he let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let it go this far.” He started to release her but something in her eyes made him stop and draw her close again. “Oh God,” he groaned. “Maddy, honey, you have to stop looking at me like that. I can barely control myself as it is.”
    She reached up and touched his check. “Is it wrong to…want you to lose control?”
    A low growl rumbled in the back of his throat. She was trying to kill him, that’s all there was too it. How could anyone look so innocent and so incredibly seductive at the same time? Judging by the way she kissed, Maddy was no stranger to the temptations of the flesh and yet he could see the trepidation in her eyes and feel the uncertainty in her touch.
    The very idea that another man had held her and kissed her as he had done was enough to twist his insides into knots, but imagining someone else making love to her sent a jealous rage surging through his body. It was insane to apply such a double standard considering how many lovers he’d taken over the years but then again, he’d been more than a little off kilter from the moment he’d laid eyes on her.
    Chase pressed his lips into her palm. “Follow me home,” he said huskily, then gave her one last lingering kiss to make sure there was no mistake about what was going to happen once they got there.
    Maddy’s fingers clenched the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were white as she trailed Chase out of town and up the hill to his house. Physically, her body was honed and ready for what was to come, but her mind was still throwing up road blocks and screaming at her to slow down and not rush into anything. It was hard to listen to the voice of reason when the taste of him still lingered on her mouth and her heart was fluttering so wildly in her chest. Her cheeks were flushed, she felt hot and feverish, and the ache that had settled deep in her abdomen bordered on pain. Oh, she’d felt the stirrings of sexual desire before, but it was nothing like this. This was a volcano waiting to erupt.
    Maddy barely had time to throw the car into park and kill the engine before Chase had her door open and was pulling her into his arms. For a few breathless moments he simply looked her, his eyes moving over her face as if he was trying to memorize each feature. Finally, he lowered his mouth to hers, his lips soft and gently probing. It was nothing like the frenzied kisses in the parking lot, but it was every bit as devastating in its slow, torturous application. Maddy melted into him, all her previous misgivings evaporating to be replaced with a joyous sense of anticipation and longing.
    Chase lifted his head reluctantly. He didn’t want to stop kissing her, but he couldn’t very well make love to her here. “Maddy, before we go inside, I want you to be sure…”
    “I’m sure.”
    “Thank God,” he breathed out a sigh.
    He kept his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as they walked up to the house, letting loose of her only long enough to unlock the door before hitching her close to his side again. Maddy didn’t mind. Her knees were so weak she probably would have dropped to the ground like a lead weight if he let go of her for more than a few minutes. There was a sereneness about the silence they maintained as they climbed the stairs and entered Chase’s bedroom, as if talking would somehow spoil the delicious sense of anticipation. He stopped beside the bed and turned to face her, slowly pushing her sweater off her shoulders before leaning down and kissing her.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. He ran his hand down her arm, his body instantly responding to the tremor that ran through her. “I love how sensitive you are to my touch.”
    He slipped his hand

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