A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (Unfinished Liaisons Series)

Read Online A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (Unfinished Liaisons Series) by Naaju Rorrete - Free Book Online

Book: A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (Unfinished Liaisons Series) by Naaju Rorrete Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naaju Rorrete
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seen that look before, it could be translated as
'what a waste you're gay'.
    In the next hour, her hold on Diego increased, and Javier
wondered if Raul got it all wrong. It was Carly keeping Diego, not the other
way around.
    Diego seemed so delighted with his presence, he asked Javier
to move in with him permanently. He would have his own room, small, but
private. When Javier asked how much rent he would have to pay, Diego explained,
"Nothing. You can contribute some cash for the utilities, and bring food
for everyone if you want, but there is no rent to pay."
    "None? How come?"
    "Well, the house is paid in full. Well, there are the
taxes, and other stuff, but there is a fund for that too."
    When Javier continued looking at him without understanding,
Diego elaborated some more, "This house was Esteban's great grandmothers'
home. She wanted to leave it to him, but because of his priesthood, anything he
inherited would become the church's property. She willed it to me, but it's his
home. Anyway, I've lived here most of my life too."
    These were interesting anecdotes. Diego told him many more,
which expanded Javier's understanding of the relationship of the Alvarez
brothers and the Hidalgo family. Diego's mom had rented the second floor of
that same house when she was pregnant with Mauricio. She'd been abandoned by Diego's
father because she got pregnant by someone else, who deserted her too.
    "Don't get me wrong, she is a great woman. When I was
growing up, she kept two jobs to support us."
    Javier listened to Diego's account of their childhood, which
had been easier, thanks to the support the Hidalgo family provided. Doña Vibi
had always made sure they got enough to eat.
    "Food is essential to that family. That's the thing I
remember the most, there was always so much food around."
    Diego had added with a wide smile, while he gave Javier a
tour of the town. The Hidalgo family owned many properties in the four towns of
the waterfront, mostly in Hoboken and Jersey City, including some businesses.
    Diego explained that the main business they had was
importing goods from Spain: wine, olive oil, Spanish confectionery, etc. For
decades, they had a chain of restaurants, but the recession had affected them,
so only one Hidalgo Spanish Italian restaurant remained in Hoboken.
    "The others," Diego had paused before saying,
"That evil creature turned them into strip clubs, or gentlemen clubs as
they are called today."
    The evil creature was Raul, whose name Diego rarely
pronounced, he was always referred to using some bad appellative. When Diego
and Carly left to go shopping for the baby, Javier went upstairs and knocked on
Esteban's door.
    As soon as Esteban opened it he said, "I'm on my way
    "Are you dismissing me?"
    "No, it's the truth, I'm going to my parent's house. I
must explain my decision to a few members of my family. After that, I have a
few choices of places I can work as a teacher, all around the country."
    "I didn't know you were also a teacher."
    "Well, I'm a Jesuit… I guess I've never stopped being
one. Besides my law degree, I have a doctorate in theology, I can teach in any
college or university." He shrugged. "It's a matter of checking which
of my friends who left the priesthood before me are now working at
universities, and could hire me or recommend me."
    "If you leave Hoboken, please take me with you."
    Esteban's gaze slid away from Javier as he explained.
    "Javier, you have to stay with Diego in the meantime,
otherwise everybody is going to think I left the church for you, and that is
not true."
    "I don't care if they think that."
    Esteban's gaze returned to meet Javier's eyes while he
pressed his lips together.
    "But I do."
    Sighing Javier agreed.
    "Okay. I'll stay with Diego, he asked me to move in
with him before, but I didn't want to bother him."
    "It's okay, he'll be pleased to have you around."
    Javier held his hand. "After your family gets used to
the idea that you're no longer a priest, can we live

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