A Lesson in Forgiveness

Read Online A Lesson in Forgiveness by Jennifer Connors - Free Book Online

Book: A Lesson in Forgiveness by Jennifer Connors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Connors
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical Romance
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his eyebrows and looked thoroughly confused. “It was inappropriate. I was only apologizing.”
“Was my remark any less inappropriate?” She took a deep breath and tried to phrase her comment so he would understand. “I am not so sheltered that I don't know what happens between men and women. I'm not asking to have a conversation with you proving this knowledge, but why must everyone apologize all the time for being honest. You answered my question. You did not reveal the forbidden secrets of the universe. I grow weary of having to pretend all the time.”
    Ginny felt like she'd reached her limit of “things she could not say.” Judging by the look on poor Lord Whitmore's face, she was really tripping the light fantastic on his gentlemanly sensibilities. He had spent years learning all the rules, only to have her come along and burn the rulebook. It was just as well... she knew they had no destiny together, so couldn't she have one man she could talk to without having to worry that she'd crossed some invisible line?
    His scrutiny was almost painful, it looked as if he battled with whether to chastise her or kiss her, which was exactly the feelings he was warring with at that moment. Whitmore had never socialized with innocents, only married or widowed women. He could innocently flirt if necessary, but was more often used to the same kind of honestly that she requested with only men or married women.
    “You must realize that any discussions we have could only be limited to certain topics.”
    “When we are around others. But when we are alone, can we just see where the conversation takes us. Do I have to always worry that the wrong word will have you angry and chastising me. Can't we just be friends?”
    “Are you so open with your female friends?”
    “Yes. I don't go around revealing deep, dark secrets, but I do open up and share things with my friends. I don't think you give me much credit, Lord Whitmore.”
    He hadn't even thought of it that way. As far as he was concerned, he gave her a lot of credit. Credit for being intelligent, thoughtful and insightful. “I... I can try, Miss Hamilton. I cannot promise anything. I have had too many years of training to be able to completely let it go.”
    “Thank you. Now that we have that decided, can you please call me Bethany?”
    Whitmore groaned. This was proving harder than he realized. “I do not think that would be appropriate.” Once again, as the words came out of his mouth, her expression changed completely. Where she had finally relaxed, she began to tense up again.
    “I will try... Bethany.” He knew he should stop this behavior and bring them back to a more correct, distant relationship, but he couldn't. The truth was, he enjoyed her company too much to give it up. He just started to relax when she spoke again.
    “And may I call you by your first name?”
    By this time, he was almost used to her strange requests. “Colin. My given name is Colin.”
    “Thank you, Colin. I promise not to call you Colin unless we're alone.” She said it as if that made it better. He began to worry that maybe she did have hopes of a personal attachment with him. Bethany soon put those fears to rest. “Now, how is it you can travel to the Continent when Napoleon is running around like a crazy man?”
    Would she ever cease to surprise him? He smiled and answered her questions. Even asked her about her personal life and where she grew up. All in all, the conversation wasn't terribly inappropriate, but much more than about the weather.
    On their way back to the house, he asked her something that he'd been wondering about. “I notice you thank the servants a great deal. Why is that? Why do you thank them for doing what they are supposed to do?”
    Taking a deep breath and knowing that Colin just opened a Pandora's box that would never again be closed, she said, “Because they do me a service. A service for which I'm appreciative. It's only right to say thank you.”

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