A is for…

Read Online A is for… by L Dubois - Free Book Online

Book: A is for… by L Dubois Read Free Book Online
Authors: L Dubois
Tags: BDSM, Erotic Romance, BDSM Erotic Romance
limits. You wouldn’t want this if you weren’t so fucking worked up. Right now I could do anything to you.” His hand tightened a fraction on her neck. “But I won’t. You need to know that. You need to hear that.”
    Anna took a deep breath as his words penetrated. He was right—she was totally defenseless right now. Subs were given the illusion of control with safe words and checklists, but the reality was that once they were in subspace, they would agree to almost anything.
    His hand dropped from her neck and Anna rested her forehead on his shoulder. She was shaking.
    “Deep breaths.”
    He rubbed her back, then eased her away. Anna expected that he’d call a halt for the night and take her to the bedroom, but instead he forced her to kneel on the table with her legs spread and her bottom facing the dining room. She knew people could see her wet pussy and plugged ass. That knowledge did nothing to dim her arousal, but she was no longer confronted by the visual stimuli of the puppy subs.
    Jensen finished his meal, then fed her roasted vegetables and sips of his wine. By the time they were done, Anna was calmer, if no less aroused.
    “Come,” he said, rising to his feet. “You can walk, but remember, the plug stays in.”
    She felt eyes on her as they left the dining room, heard other members whispering about the first letter of the game. Half way to their room, she had to drop to her knees and crawl behind her Master. When they reached the door to the bedroom, Jensen helped her to her feet. He swept her up into his arms and carried her across the threshold.

Chapter Six
    Master Jensen laid her on the bed.
    “Roll over, and get up onto your knees.”
    Anna obeyed, clenching her fists in the soft cotton duvet cover. He steadied her with a hand on the small of her back as he grasped the base of the plug.
    “Relax.” He started to draw it out, the thick bulb pulling against her anus from within.
    Anna cried out, clenching against the pain.
    “I said relax, Anna.”
    “I can’t.”
    Jensen dipped his head, his lips finding her pussy, tongue stroking her clit. Pleasure flickered along her nerve endings. He continued to pull the plug as he licked her clit. The pressure within her ass morphed from scary and painful to pleasure-pain.
    “Master,” she moaned. “May I come?”
    He lifted his head and slid two fingers into her pussy. “No.” He yanked the plug out.
    Anna screamed, biting the duvet. Master Jensen continued to work his fingers in her pussy. Sensation rolled through her—she couldn’t define it as good or bad. It simply was.
    Jensen rolled her onto her back, pushed her legs apart. “Spread for me,” he demanded.
    Anna spread her legs open, pulling her knees up. “Master, please fuck me.”
    He came down over her, his big body crowding her, his chest close enough that her nipples brushed him, but he held the weight of his body off her with his arms. His cock slid into her, full and thick, filling her in the way she needed, the way she craved. Anna wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as if her sanity depended on it.
    Often, it did.
    His breath was heavy on her neck, his chin rough against hers. They clung to one another. It was the most basic kind of sex—just two people and their desire—and yet at the end of a long evening of play, it was the most important, the most meaningful.
    “Master,” she whispered, unable to say more.
    “Come,” he groaned, thrusts hard and fast as his orgasm approached.
    Anna gasped as she came, her pussy and lower belly muscles clamping down, making Jensen’s cock feel even bigger inside her. He groaned, holding himself deep inside her as he came.
    Jensen rolled over, pulling Anna onto his chest. “We’re done for now.”
    Burying her face against him, Anna started to sob.
    “It’s okay, love.” He sat up, back against the headboard, and cradled her on his lap.
    Anna gave in to the overwhelming feelings. It was always like this for her after a

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