A Healing Heart

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Book: A Healing Heart by Melissa A. Hanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa A. Hanson
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backseat, and pulled out his jacket.
    “ Will you be too cold if we sit out there? Or would you rather stay in the car? You can have my jacket if you’d like.”
    “ I’ll be okay with your jacket. The view outside with the lights and stars is so much better.” Taking his jacket as he handed it over, I put it on.
    We sat down on the bench. I leaned against the back and stared at the dark, sparkling sky above, wondering if I might be lucky and catch a glimmer of a falling star.
    “ What are you looking at?”
    “ Looking for a falling star.”
    “ So, what are you going to wish for if you do find one?”
    “ Umm...I’m not sure yet, but I’ll come up with something.”
    He laughed, “I’m sure you will.”
    There were crickets chirping nearby, and the breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. It was so peaceful, relaxing, or would have been relaxing if the electricity wasn’t flowing through my veins. I was excited and felt alive; anticipation of what might come next was keeping me on pins and needles.
    His jacket was big, the arms extending well past my hands. I had tried to push the sleeves up, but it was useless; they just fell back down.
    “ Look! Did you see that?” I had found my falling star, so I quickly closed my eyes and made my wish. When I opened my eyes, I was staring right into the deep, tranquil blue of Collin’s.
    “ No, guess I missed that one. So, what did you wish for?”
    “ I can’t tell you or it won’t come true. Don’t you know any of the rules?” I teased him.
    “ Can’t say I’ve ever had a class on the proper protocol for what you are and aren’t supposed to do with falling stars.”
    “ Well, then, I guess I’ll let you off the hook. But I still can’t tell you.”
    “ What if I guess?”
    “ Nope, still no good.”
    Our faces had moved closer together, and then Collin’s fingers lightly touched my cheeks, so gently. I could feel him pulling me closer. Instinctively, my eyes closed and his lips softly touched mine. My hands found their way to his chest, the beating of his heart noticeable under my right palm. Feeling like fireworks were going off above us, I was almost out of breath like I’d run miles when he pulled back. His hands still holding my face between them, he leaned his forehead against mine, our noses just touching.
    “ Did I guess right?” His voice was husky, almost at a whisper. I could feel the warmth from his breath.
    “ Huh?” My brain was not thinking clearly. This was my very first real kiss, and I wanted to imprint the entire thing on my memory so I’d never forget.
    “ Your wish. Did I guess right?”
    “ Oh, that. Um, maybe.”
    Chuckling, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
    Pulling back, he wrapped his arms around me, turning slightly so we were now sitting sideways on the bench, my back leaning against his chest, his head resting on the top of mine, his arms around me, his fingers laced with mine.
    “ Hmm...this feels just right.”
    I simply sighed in agreement. Yes, it did feel right, absolutely perfect. Then a shudder of fear slithered up my spine, and I wondered, could I really be so lucky to have found someone so special? Pushing those thoughts away, I was going to enjoy the moment, and for now that was enough.

    R olling out of bed, I turned my alarm off before it had a chance to go off. I was looking forward to spending the day at Disneyland. Eileen had been planning to take Riley for a while now and asked if I would go with them. Riley’s excitement as he saw everything for the first time would make today a very special day for him. Because of his constant chatter about Lacey after the play dates at the park, Eileen had also invited Collin and Lacey. That would make today even more exciting for me. Collin had to take care of a few things at work this morning, so they would be meeting us there.
    The weather was forecast to be sunny and warm, but I knew it would probably get cooler later, so I grabbed a

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