A Good Kind of Trouble (A Trouble in Twin Rivers Novel Book 1)

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Book: A Good Kind of Trouble (A Trouble in Twin Rivers Novel Book 1) by Ellie Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Ashe
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protection for her?"
    "No..." Dave said, his voice trailing off.  
    "If you know any good employment lawyers, you might want to recommend one to her."  
    "Oh," Ben said.  
    "She doesn't know they’re letting her go," Dave said.  
    "Gotcha," Ben said, stealing another glance at Lindsey and giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. He promised to have Lindsey call Kathleen later and disconnected the call.  
    The gates to his condominium complex slid open and Ben breathed a little easier when they closed behind him. He slowed the car to watch the traffic on the other side of the wrought-iron fence, but didn't see any familiar cars cruise by. The SUV and the motorcycle must have called off the stalking for the night.  
    "You can get up now," Ben said.  
    "I don't think so," Lindsey groaned, trying to pull herself out of the well under the dashboard. She had wedged herself in pretty good.  
    He parked the car and came over to assist her, mindful of her injuries.  
    "Dave and Kath will take care of Steve tonight," he said. "Just in case your friends at the park trace the license plate to the Hogans, you should stay here tonight."
    "Why here? Why not a hotel?"
    "Because you'd have to pay with a credit card, which can also be traced."  
    "Why do you think the guys chasing me have the resources to conduct those types of traces?" she asked.  
    Ben didn't answer, just grabbed her bag and led her to the front door. What was he going to tell her? Until he had more evidence, he didn’t want to alarm her. But she was smart—she may have already made the connection between her stalker and the contracts in her bag.
    "It's not fancy, but you'll be safe here," he said, opening the door to reveal the sparsely decorated living room.  
    Lindsey stood in the center of his tiny living area. The real estate agent had called the space a "great room" without a trace of irony. It was functional, it fit his budget, and was close to the office. It was barely a step up from his university dorm, but it would do for now.
    "Make yourself comfortable," Ben said, dropping her messenger bag on the counter that separated the small kitchen from the not-much-larger living area. Why had he brought her here? With their history, they certainly weren’t friends. Barely acquaintances, who had once spent a fun hour making out in his car. Plus, she was technically a client, so there was that whole complication. On the other hand, there weren’t really any other options and she would be safe here.  
    “This is nice. Have you lived here long?”  
    “A couple years,” Ben said. He walked the few steps to the narrow kitchen and opened the refrigerator. “Can I get you something to drink?”
    “Sure, that would be nice,” she said.  
    He grabbed two bottles of beer and held one up for her approval. She nodded and smiled. He opened her beer and handed it to her.  
    “Thank you.” She took a long drink. “And thank you, again, for helping me.”  
    He nodded and drank deeply.  
    “Are you sure you don’t mind me staying here tonight?”  
    Her green eyes were troubled, her brow furrowed. She set the beer on the counter and her hands fidgeted. She began shredding the bottle’s label.  
    “I have a spare bedroom,” he said. “I’ll go pick up your bag from Dave’s, if you’re comfortable staying here alone.”
    She nodded and raised her chin. “I have some work I can do. I’ll be fine.”  
    Despite the bravado, her shoulders were tense, squared off as if ready to face the next challenge. He reached over to take her hand, to still those frantically worrying fingers.  
    “About those contracts you have…” he said.  
    Her head jerked up and her eyes widened. “You read them?”  
    “Lindsey, do you have any idea who you’re messing with?”

    Lindsey's mind raced as she stared at Ben’s serious expression. Who was she messing with? What did that mean?  
    Ben moved away from the kitchen and opened his

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