A Good Kind of Trouble (A Trouble in Twin Rivers Novel Book 1)

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Book: A Good Kind of Trouble (A Trouble in Twin Rivers Novel Book 1) by Ellie Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Ashe
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cheered her on.  
    "Oh, no!" Lindsey said. "No, that's a bad idea! She could get hurt."  
    Her stomach flipped at the thought that she had brought the danger to this safe place. She kept the brim of her baseball cap low, uncomfortable in the crowd of about six women and twice that many children, all of whom were watching the unfolding drama on the soccer field.
    A murmur of outrage built among the adults. "That jerk. Children play here," Emily said. "What is he thinking?"
    "He's going to tear up the soccer field," another woman said, her hands on her hips. "Go get him, Sarah!"  
    Lindsey watched as the woman with the camera stalked the bike messenger, heading right toward him with the camera trained on him. With her free hand, she waved overhead.  
    "Get away from here, you jerk!" she yelled. "There are children playing here!"
    The motorcycle slowed, then made a wide turn and accelerated, the back wheel fishtailing in the grass. The bike bucked and went down sideways, scraping across the ground with a whine. The rider scrambled to his feet and righted it, limping until he jumped back on and raced away, crossing the soccer field again and kicking up turf as the bike shifted gears. The moms cheered. Lindsey exhaled, unaware until then that she’d been holding her breath. Sarah filmed the motorcycle until he was out of sight, and then jogged back to the crowd to collect her sons.
    "He's not going to get away with it," she said. "I have a friend at Channel 4 and I'm sending him this video."
    "Good idea," Lindsey said.  
    A flash of dark blue caught her eye and her knees nearly buckled with relief when she recognized Ben behind the wheel of the Jeep. "There's my husband, I've got to go. Nice meeting you, Emily."  
    She jogged toward the car, and Ben opened the passenger door for her as she approached. He barely waited for the door to close before accelerating.  
    "Slow down," Lindsey said. "Children play here."
    Ben glanced at her, but slowed the car. "What the hell just happened?"
    On the playground, the moms were still chatting in a circle, gesturing toward the soccer field. She smiled at her allies.  
    "I got some unexpected assistance.”

Chapter Seven

    "Duck down," Ben said, scanning the street outside the park for any sign of the dark SUV that had been trailing Lindsey. No one was behind them and it appeared that she had eluded the men.
    Lindsey slid down the seat until she was below the window, then looked up at him with wide eyes. "Am I crazy?"  
    "No, you're not crazy," Ben said, turning the car onto a busy boulevard and merging with the evening traffic. He drove along wide shady streets through residential neighborhoods until he was comfortable that no large SUVs were behind him, then navigated side streets toward his condo.  
    His phone rang, startling him. He reached for it, only to find it had slipped onto the floor. Lindsey handed it to him from her position nestled under the dash, and when their hands touched, he felt hers tremble. He answered the call, fumbling with his headset until he could hear Dave's voice.  
    "What's going on?" Dave asked. "Sharon said you took off out of the office like a bat out of hell. Kathleen's having a fit because she came home and Lindsey's not there."
    "I have Lindsey, she's safe," he said. He gave Dave a brief description of what happened at the park. "Sorry, man, but Kathleen's car is still there."
    "No problem, we'll get it later," Dave said. "Do you think she's in danger?"  
    "I don't know," Ben said, eyeing his passenger, who was watching him closely. "I think she should stay at my place tonight."
    "Good plan," Dave said. "By the way, we just got a call from the newspaper's in-house counsel. She's a piece of work, isn't she? Laura Petrie? Are you kidding me?"  
    "Yeah, I know. I met her. And it's Lara, not Laura."
    "Whatever. They're going to pay for your time in court and to escort Lindsey back to the paper. But nothing more."  
    "Are they going to provide

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