A Forbidden Taking

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Book: A Forbidden Taking by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
if you had any other contact with
another vampire that may have died at your hand without you knowing.”
She shifted in his lap and Beau groaned. “I don’t know what he’s talking about.
I know that—Alfred. Alfred Deveron is dead. He’s the guy that…he bit me and
turned me into this thing. I didn’t kill him, but I know he’s dead.”
you didn’t kill him, correct? No, you wouldn’t.” Aaron stood up and pulled Sara
into his arms. “We must retire soon. My lovely mate is tired and I have a wish
to see her in her slumber. After I relax her with a bout of lovemaking. You two
have a good night.”
I gotta get going too. Thanks for the clothes, big guy. I’ll have someone bring
them back to you in a couple of days. Also, I should bring something over for
‘just in case.’ Night all.” And Bradley left the room ahead of Aaron and Sara.
the door closed behind the couple too, Beau looked at Megan. To say she looked
panicky would have been an understatement.
can’t have sex with me. Can you?”

    ~Chapter 8~
didn’t know a lot about men. And even less about vampire men. But she was
pretty sure they couldn’t have sex. Or so she had thought. The hard cock
beneath her bottom lead her to believe that she may have been wrong about that
can and will have sex with you if you would allow it. Why did you think that I
could not?”
looked away. She was a grown woman with a medical degree, yet talking about her
own personal sex life had always been somewhat of an embarrassment to her. She
could lecture about sex and the process to others for hours, but her own was a
major disappointment.
didn’t think that vampires could, you know, get hard. I mean, you are, but can
you, you know, perform?” She felt her face heat up.
would you think that I couldn’t get hard? And, love, look at me, please. I
would like to see your eyes when we talk of sex.”
didn’t want to, but he’d asked her so nicely that she couldn’t help it. She
knew that her eyes had turned that hated red. She could see the haze
surrounding what she saw and her fangs had dropped, which she didn’t understand
either phenomenon. But when she looked at him she could see that his had turned
as well. Before she could think of her actions she reached out and ran her
finger over his lips to see his fangs.
just come out without any thought to where I’m at or what I’m doing. Can you
control yours?”
nipped at her fingers before he answered her. “Yes. You can as well with
practice. Have you ever kissed anyone since you have changed, love?” His voice
was low and deep and sent a shiver of something up her spine. Her nipples
peaked beneath her shirt and she shifted again on his lap.
    “No. I
was afraid I’d hurt someone. Not that the opportunity came up, but does it?
Hurt, I mean?”
    Beau leaned
forward as he cupped the back of her head and drew her toward him. She was
nervous and excited at the same time. His cock seemed to expand beneath her and
she moaned when he pulled her lower lip into his mouth and suckled. Her pussy
seemed to swell with her need for this man.
Not if done properly.” He moved his mouth along her jaw and toward her neck. “I
want to sip from you, taste all of you.”
his mouth skimmed along her neck, she couldn’t help but stiffen. He didn’t say
anything, but moved down along her throat to her shoulder.
he hurt you when he turned you? Did his bite cause you pain?”
blood was roaring in her ears and hearing him speak in that low, sexy voice was
not helping. She nodded her head and realized that she wasn’t answering him. “He
kept telling me he was hungry and that he…please, that feels very good. That he
was sorry.” His mouth was at her ear now and his teeth nipped gently at her
his mouth was over hers again she couldn’t think, she could only feel. Megan
felt him turn her,

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