A Farewell to Charms
cover. Was Sora…Was she a spy? If she was, what did that make Vanna?
    Sora reached into her cart and pulled out a thin silver laptop. Within seconds, she’d plugged cords from inside the mop into the computer and converted the Windex bottle into a camera, creating a complex technological hub. “No offense, Van, but you tripped on a bridge? How are you going to qualify for the most elite covert government organization in all of Asia when you can’t even walk around your own palace?”
    “I said—”
    “It was an accident. Yeah, yeah.”
    Sora busied herself with her spy gear. I wasn’t as dumb as I looked. In the last hour, I’d avoided a sub spotting, blown Sora’s cover, and figured out why Vanna left. She wanted to work for the government, but not as a princess. And all her extracurriculars doubled as prep for her dream job.
    Despite the pain, I couldn’t help but be giddy. Forget karate princess. Spy princess was going to be perfect Façade prep.
    “So.” I smiled at Sora. “Learning to crack security systems sounds like a perfect lesson for today.”

S ora was worth every penny Vanna was paying her, because not only did we cover security systems, but also how to pick locks (seriously, I was getting good at this one), how to turn a cell phone into a mobile bug, how to dodge alarm lasers, and how to watch facial cues for signs of deceit. And she managed to wax the floor and dust the furniture, all within a few hours.
    “Now I want to see you use some of the lesson on manipulation we had last week.” Sora helped me hop back into bed. Janin would be in soon to wake me up from my “nap.” “Good spies don’t show authentic emotion, unless it’s part of their cover. The part you need to work on playing is that of a contented daughter, not a princess jealous of her little brother.”
    “Who says I’m jealous?” I asked.
    “You do, every time you look at him or your parents. It’s spelled out on your face. And your parents are worried, and if they worry, they’ll focus more attention on you, and the last thing a spy needs—”
    “Is attention,” I finished. Of course. This is the same thing Ferdinand said—stay off the radar; don’t make yourself a suspect. “So I will play the part of the happy injured princess.”
    “But not injured too long. We only have two weeks to complete your application project, although I’m starting to wonder if you should wait a year.”
    I didn’t know what this application project was, but my guess was it had something to do with the government agency Vanna wanted to work for. Of course, I couldn’t ask, especially someone as sharp as Sora, so I just nodded. Besides, I’d probably be gone in two weeks, and Vanna would be miraculously recovered as soon as she got back.
    Sora threw her maid costume on and grabbed her feather duster. “I can smell Janin’s perfume. She’s around the corner, down the hall, advancing…” Sora sniffed again. “Six-point-three seconds away. I’m gone. Remember your cover!” Sora gave me a jaunty little bow and scuttled out of the room. I lay back on my pillows and closed my eyes. Janin knocked softly on the door.
    “Your Highness? It’s time.” She pushed a wheelchair into the room, and I pretended to wake up. “His Majesty, your father, understands that gymnastics are impossible, so they’ve changed your schedule.”
    I let her help me into the wheelchair. “Good. So we just have to watch my brother be a baby.”
    “Well, yes, that, but His Majesty didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to showcase your talents, and the purpose of this documentary is to highlight the skills of the royal family, after all.” She pushed me into the hallway, where three more women waited to help escort me to the dining hall. “Escorting” involved them shuffling behind us, heads bowed. It amazed me all the stupid jobs royalty created.
    “But I’m practically immobile,” I said.
    “Which is why they’re setting up in the

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