A Cowboy in Ravenna

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Book: A Cowboy in Ravenna by Jan Irving Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Irving
Tags: Gay MM/ Cowboys & Western/ Shape Shifters
feed it to me regular. Now I’ve had you that way, I crave it.”
    Chace traced the mark on his neck. Weirdly, it was almost healed. “This means something to you.”
    Trin’s eyes were smoky again, the beast relaxed for the moment. “I claimed you.”
    “Does that mean you’ll take care of me sexually?”
    “Straight to the point like always. You’re so impulsive. Passionate.”
    “And yours.”
    Trin’s expression darkened. “Yes, there’s no going back. I hope you won’t be frightened of me.”
    “Oh, yeah, you made me want to run screaming when you were sucking me off.” Chace climbed off Trin. Separating himself from Trin was hard…unnatural. But damn, Chace was hungry enough to eat his weight in food. Hopefully their Italian hotel would have the promised vegetarian offerings.
    Trin smacked his ass and Chace loved it. He looked over his shoulder and rubbed the pink imprint.
    “Kinky brat,” Chase said as they finished dressing.
    Trin wrapped his arms around him and Chace felt a moment of perfect, centred peace, body singing and inner Buddha smiling. This was where he belonged. This was why it had hurt when Trin tried to push him away.
    “Let’s feed you. And then…I guess you have stuff we’re supposed to do today.”
    Chace laughed, tugging Trin from their room. “It won’t be so bad. No carpets to—” He stumbled over something lying on their threshold. “Holy shit!”
    Sabin was curled into a ball. His eye was swollen purple, his lip cut and his clothes spattered with blood.
    Chace knelt beside him, instinctively pulling him close. He looked up at Trin. “Help us.”

Chapter Seven

    Chace opened the hotel door, spotting Sabin lying on the bed. His long auburn hair was damp and he was shirtless, curled up like a withered leaf. Trin was sitting nearby, running his hand above Sabin’s body.
    “What are you doing?” Chace asked. He’d seen Trin do the hand thing before with sick horses. He’d always figured it was somehow connected to his healing talent.
      “Mapping his energy.”
    “Like chakras? Sasha knows a lot about them.” Chace put down the things he’d picked up at the local farmacia as well as at the market for Sabin—fruit, bread, cheese and some salve for the bruises.
    “I don’t.” Trin shot him a look. “It’s just…I can feel where he’s hurting.”
    “How does it work?” Chace doled out additional food he’d macked from the breakfast room—chocolate-filled croissants, Italian cookies, pineapple juice, yoghurt and espresso for Trin. He’d brought enough for three people.
    “It feels red and hot where he’s bruised. Cool where he’s low on energy.” Trin’s brow furrowed. He took Chace’s hand in his, hovering it over Sabin. “Can you feel that?”
    Chace closed his eyes. The mark on his neck throbbed and then his palm prickled. “Warm, yeah,” he said. “He’s so fucking tired.”
    “Someone kicked him.” Trin gently rolled Sabin onto his stomach. He moaned but didn’t open his eyes. “In the kidney.”
    “Oh, shit. Does he need a hospital?”
    “Not now…” Sweat stood out on Trin’s forehead. He squeezed his eyes shut and his hand trembled. “From the bruise, looks like the fucker used a steel-tipped boot.”
    “Will he be okay? He looks so…” Vulnerable.
    Chace brushed the fiery hair, wondering what kind of life Sabin lived. Had he tried to rob the wrong person?
    “He’ll be fine but he’ll need a safe place to rest. The knock to his head didn’t help. He’s still woozy.” Trin sat back, crossing his arms and breathing heavily. Evidently healing someone zapped him. “He’s had a rough life, Chace. I hate seeing a young shifter on his own this way. Where are his pack, his family?” Trin pulled back the long hair at the nape of Sabin’s neck, exposing a knot of scarring. “This old marking scar didn’t heal right. I can feel…he’s blocked somehow. His mind.”
    Abruptly Trin’s hand fell. He was shaking. “His

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