A Countess of Convenience

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Book: A Countess of Convenience by Sarah Winn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Winn
unmercifully that he would have to approach Malvern for assistance as soon after the wedding as possible. Malvern would surely refuse unless he had developed tender feelings for his new wife and would want to protect her brother.
    Telling himself the earl would never cause a scene in the club, Neil squared his shoulders and approached his quarry. Malvern glanced his way, and his expression hardened.
    Neil tried to project the proper mix of confidence and humility as he nodded to Foster and Harry and then fixed his gaze on the earl. “I hate to disturb you fellows, but I wonder if I might have a private word with Malvern?"
    Foster muttered and shifted in his chair as though about to rise. Harry remained rock steady, apparently determined to see what transpired.
    "No need for you two to bestir yourselves,” Malvern said to his friends. He snubbed out his cigar and pointed toward the corner of the room with his brandy glass. “There are a couple of free chairs, Weathersby."
    Neil followed him to the indicated spot. Malvern's icy demeanor made him wonder if he'd done the right thing in coming here. “I know you have reason to be angry with me. You think I betrayed our friendship."
    "Think?” Malvern's sneer became rock hard.
    "I did take advantage of the situation, but only because I wanted to help Pru—I'd promised our mother—"
    Malvern waved him to silence. “I don't want to hear anymore about your devotion to your mother. You damn well showed little of it while she was still alive."
    Neil felt his cheeks burning. “You're right. I wasn't a good son, and now that the dear woman is gone I'm racked with guilt. That's why I'm so determined to see Pru safely settled."
    "If her safety was all you were worried about you could have honestly married her off to someone of her own class. She's pretty enough to get a decent offer. But no, you had to trick a wealthy, titled friend."
    The mention of Malvern's damn title revived Neil's spirit. “Her mother was the daughter of a duke. Half of her blood is bluer than yours, a fact you didn't waste any time taking advantage of from what I hear."
    Malvern crashed his brandy glass down on the table so sharply that the base broke, the glass tipped over, and the contents flowed onto the table.
    "You cheeky bastard.” Malvern leaned across the table and spoke through gritted teeth. “I had to accept that invitation from Litton to save what little reputation your sister has left. You two think you can go about in the world doing whatever you like and get away with it. Well, by God, if she's to be my countess, she'll keep her skirt tails clean."
    "Surely you don't still believe Prudence deliberately set out to seduce you into marriage. She's far too ingenuous to engage in such a plot. That's why I can't stand by and let you hurt her."
    An angry flush colored Malvern's cheeks, but he still managed to keep his voice low. “What in the hell are you talking about? I've promised to marry her and have installed her in my mother's home. How does that hurt her?"
    At last Neil had turned the conversation in the direction he wanted it. He looked his opponent in the eye. “I went to see her today. She said you've only paid two brief visits to your mother's during the week and barely spoke to Prudence during those visits."
    Malvern drew his head back as if he couldn't believe what he'd just heard. “I'm not a besotted bridegroom, and she's not a blushing bride-to-be, as you very well know."
    Neil shook his head and tried to look angry. “It's all very well to blame Pru and me for this situation, but if you'd talked to my sister like a gentleman, rather than grabbing and mauling her, none of this would have happened. You mustn't be angry with her. She had no idea I hoped to make a match between you two. I swear it...on my mother's grave."
    Malvern leaned back in his chair as he stared at Neil with a speculative gaze. Then he looked away and noticed a waiter hovering nearby. Apparently the man

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