A Colony on Mars

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Book: A Colony on Mars by Cliff Roehr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cliff Roehr
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given them that effects everyone. They even break in on the music to remind people that the dining room opens in five minutes or lights out is in ten minutes, stuff like that. You don't have to have your radio on at all times but it is a good idea to keep it on so you don't miss an important announcement.” Tim and Carla adjusted their volume and of course selected talk radio and inserter the devices in their ear.
    “Most people just remove the device if they are having a live conversation with someone and don't want to be disturbed by their radio for a little while but many of us have gotten so used to them that we can hold a private conversation with the radio on. Whatever works for you. The battery is good for about a year but if it goes dead just drop by and I will put a new battery in for you.”
    “Any time you folks think of anything else you want between the hours of 0800 and 2000 just drop in and pick it up. I might suggest that you take one of those first aid kits over there because you are bound to get some cuts and scratches during your first few days. The atmosphere here in these caverns is richer in Oxygen than you are used to on Earth so be sure and take one of the Oxygen pil s if you get light headed and the condition will clear up immediately. They took a first aid kit and the clerk, Bob scanned it and put it in their bag. They also noticed a plastic privacy shield that stood four feet high and was supported by four plastic posts, they could tell by the picture on the label that they were intended for use with the porta-potty, so they took one of these also. They then selected a pair of clean work clothes each.
    “When ever you folks want clean work clothes just bring back the dirty ones and deposit them in the big hamper out front, then come in here and draw clean ones,” Bob told them. “We have some big washers and dryers set up in the building behind this one.” “What happens to the waste water?” Tim asked.
    “There is just a sump hole in the public rest rooms and al the waste water and stuff goes down that hole, we never see it again and really don't know where it goes from here. Maybe it comes to a river down there somewhere and just flows off into uncharted territory. One thing for sure is that this planet can use al the bacteria it can get from us humans.” Maybe so, thought Tim, now that we have finished polluting the Earth we can start polluting Mars. Of course, the handful of people that are here now are just surviving the best they can but someday soon someone is going to have to address waste disposal before it becomes a real problem.
    After they left Tim told Carla, “On Earth now they have equipment in third world countries that can process human waste and kil all the harmful bacteria and germs but leave a useful top soil material that can be used safely to grow crops. There are plenty of nitrates in this Martian soil that we find below the surface of the planet. These Nitrates are one of the main components that enable plants to grow. The Nitrates feed the sugar bacteria produced by the process of photosynthesis. We have plenty of nitrates on Mars and after all that is the backbone of producing a fertile top soil that wil support growing plants. It also produces the Nitrogen that makes up the bulk of our atmosphere. The action of the nitrates feeding the sugar bacteria is what enables the plant to give off Nitrogen. Lack of fertile top soil containing nitrates is one of the biggest problems in the third world. Top soil is an even bigger problem, there are parts of Africa that used to support farms that now lay barren because the top soil has al blown away. Even in the United States back in the 1920's they had what they called the dust bowl, where all the topsoil was either covered with fine dust or had blown away. Thousands were driven from their homes in Oklahoma and North Texas.”
    Tim wrote a report about what he knew on this subject and passed it off to one of the scientists

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