A Colony on Mars

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Book: A Colony on Mars by Cliff Roehr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cliff Roehr
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wearing that you just arrived today. I have some good news for you. We have your cell phones in, they apparently came off the ship in the first load. What are your phone numbers, I wil get them for you? Carla quickly consulted the phone book she had been issued and gave the clerk the numbers. He disappeared into a back storage room momentarily then returned with two cel phones. “Are you familiar with these,” he asked. “No, you better show us.” “You just strap them to your wrist,”
    he showed them his. “To make a call you push the big blue button beneath the dial then speak the word 'CALL' fol owed by the name or number of the person you want. ”He pushed the button on the face on his phone, then said “CALL'
    Carla Erkin.” Carla's phone rang. The clerk then told Carla to depress the blue button and immediately release it. Carla did as he had instructed and she heard his voice coming from her phone. “Now Carla, to change volume depress the red button on the top of the watch. There are four volume presets, it starts at the lowest setting then keeps getting louder until it reaches maximum volume then starts over at the lowest setting. When you want to disconnect depress the blue button again and release it. Had I said “CALL” 000565 then Tim's phone would have rung. You can either use the persons name or number and it stil works. There is a yellow button on the side of the watch, if it is blinking that means you have a missed call. Depress that yellow button for information about the call you missed. We already have a cell relay set up at each end of The Company cavern so you can use your phones anywhere even in the tunnel.” Tim and Carla started picking up their items but the clerk interrupted again.
    “Not so fast, I have one more little gadget for you, it is your personal radio receiver. Bob produced two small plastic gadgets obviously shaped to fit inside the outer ear like a hearing aid. There were two tiny buttons on the outside. The clerk who's name was Bob removed his pen from his pocket and depressed the red button several times and they could hear pop music coming from the device. Bob then depressed the yel ow button and the music changed from pop music to Country and Western. He depressed it again and soft and melodic music could be heard. One more time and they heard a voice talking.
    “I guess that was pretty obvious,” he said. The red button turns the set on and sets the volume. You need to Increase the volume by punching the red button several more times in order to hear it while it is in your hand. Then you press the yellow button to change stations. After changing stations depress the red button again twice in rapid succession and it turns the device off then depress the red button again and it comes back on at the lowest volume level. Hold it up to your ear and if you can hear it all right put it in your ear. If you want it a little louder depress the red button once or twice more to Increase the volume to where you want it. Then insert it into your ear. There are five volume settings and there are four radio stations always broadcasting. One plays pop music, one plays C&W, one plays elevator music and the fourth is talk radio. Talk radio is the most popular. We have ten or so talk radio hosts, most of them invite listeners to cal in and give their opinion about the subject being discussed. The three music stations are automated but the talk station is live, it comes on at 0500 every day and goes off at 2400. Up until now we only had three hundred people on Mars so we didn't get all that many people calling in but now with over six hundred people there wil probably be a lot more call ins. When no one calling in then the host reads news or just blabbers on with his or her own opinions and views. If there is an emergency the host can over ride the music broadcasts and switch everyone's set to the talk station while they describe the emergency or make the announcement that management has

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