A Catered Romance

Read Online A Catered Romance by Cara Marsi - Free Book Online

Book: A Catered Romance by Cara Marsi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Marsi
Tags: General Fiction
    “So much for being less crowded,” Tom said, looking at her.
    “At least it’s more of a controlled chaos.” She hoped she sounded cool. She couldn’t let him know his nearness had her insides tied in a knot.
    “Looks like a long wait.” He steered her to the end of the food line. The line wound from the lower level, where the meals were served, up the stairs. A railing ran along the upper floor, allowing them to look down at the diners.
    But Mary Beth’s attention was on Tom. Her gaze drank in his achingly handsome face and full lips. Memories of his kiss, of moonlight and pines, stirred her. She would need all her strength to get through this night with her pride, and her heart, intact.
    He caught her staring. Their gazes locked. Blue sparks lit his eyes, drawing her under his spell like a moth seduced by the killing flame. Her cheeks burned.
    He cleared his throat. “How about something to drink?”
    “Sure,” she said in a breathy voice she barely recognized.
    He smiled. “Wine okay?”
    “Wine is good. White please.”
    “I’ll be right back.”
    He walked down the stairs toward the bar with an easy grace, his movements fluid. The muscles of his broad back rippled under his shirt. Her mouth went dry as her gaze followed him.
    She clenched her hands at her sides as if she could squeeze away the attraction she felt for him. There could never be anything between her and Tom. Too many years and too much hurt stood in the way. She had given him her heart once and he’d thrown it back at her. She wouldn’t trust him again.
    Minutes later Tom carefully made his way back up the stairs carrying two glasses. The slight smile he gave her reminded her of the young Tom. A sad yearning clutched her. She missed their friendship, the easy camaraderie they’d once shared. She tightened her jaw against this latest assault on her emotional well-being.
    He handed her one of the glasses.
    She took the drink from him and sipped it, staring at him over the rim of the glass.
    A lock of black hair had fallen over his forehead. Her fingers itched to stroke it back, to touch the silky-looking strands.
    She finished the wine too quickly. The cold liquid raced down to her empty stomach, taking her breath.
    “Wow, you must have been thirsty,” he said.
    Embarrassment heated her and she looked quickly away.
    “Mary Beth?” He touched her shoulder, drawing her attention. She looked into cobalt eyes that held uncertainty and challenge.
    A muscle worked in his jaw. “I know you didn’t want to come here with me. You’ve hardly said two words since we got in the car. You make me feel like I’m some crumb you can’t wait to brush off the table.”
    He looked so sincere. She put her hand on his arm. “I don’t mean to do that to you.” She licked her dry lips. “It’s just that I’m nervous.” She couldn’t tell him the truth…that she was more afraid of her own growing feelings for him than she was of him.
    His smile dissolved her control. “Forget it. Let’s just enjoy the evening. And the food. Even business associates can have fun together. Right?”
    She fingered her braid, mustering her courage. It wouldn’t hurt to loosen up a bit. She was a grown woman. She could handle Tom and her own swirling emotions. “Let’s just concentrate on enjoying this sumptuous-looking food,” she said, throwing him a hesitant smile.
    His gaze softened. “I always was a sucker for your smile.”
    Excitement, mixed with a dash of fear, made her heart skip a beat. She glanced away to study the poster-sized menu hanging on the wall.
    Twenty minutes later, laden with heavy trays, she and Tom wound their way between the large, crowded tables. The rich aromas of piquant grape leaves, sweet pastitsio, and spicy moussaka wafted up from her tray, making her stomach rumble in anticipation.
    They set their trays on the red-checked cloth of a table occupied by a family of four who were preparing to leave. The young parents smiled at

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