A Calculated Romance
a spot hardly no one else knows about.  People depleted the good stuff from the hills around Cadiz decades ago.  Didn't you say you'd been out here before?"  She continued without waiting for an answer, "I'm taking you on private property to a place owned by a church friend's husband.  They've been gone about five years, and their kids never come out here.  We shouldn't see a soul," she added in a mischievous tone.
    Now, it was Landi's turn to grin.  His earlier comments about her having a criminal past supplied fodder for teasing him.  James moaned.
    "Here, take one of these," he said, reaching behind his seat.
    He handed her a large water bottle held in canvas netting with a shoulder strap.  She pulled a small backpack from the back seat where she'd left it, and proceeded to the dirt lane.  James donned his own knapsack and water bottle, catching up to her in double time.  She had been correct. It was cold in the morning in the Mojave at this time of year.  He noticed that the further they got from the main road, the more the girl relaxed.
    Mountains to the east kept the sun at bay.  After a couple of miles, they reached a narrow opening between some hills.  They left the cacti and sand behind for rock walls and a chilly breeze that whistled through the passage.
    "I used to ride a van to church every Sunday when I was a kid," she volunteered.  "The other passengers befriended me.  One was a lady whose husband had lived nearby his whole life.  When she discovered my interest in geology, she invited me over.  Her husband, elderly at that time, showed me this place."
    Ireland smiled, reliving the memory.  James gladdened, knowing the girl had some pleasant experiences in her past.  From what he'd observed, he feared she had encountered mistreatment or even abuse.  He reached for her without thinking.  She didn't pull away, and they continued hand in hand, fingers laced together, climbing a slight but steady incline.
    Ahead, they spotted bright sunlight.
    "Is that our destination?" James asked, pointing with his free hand.
    "Not quite," she said, a sly smile displayed on her face.
    "Hmm. You're full of surprises, aren't you, Landi?"
    "You'll have to wait to find out."
    Their route opened into a large box canyon.  Piles of loose stones formed ramps to the cliff tops surrounding them.  The sound of rushing water replaced that of the wind whooshing through their narrow trail.
    "A desert oasis?" he asked, one eyebrow lifted.
    Small shrubs and a few palm fronds spotted the terrain near the stream.
    "Just a spring—rare in the Mojave."
    The sun climbed high enough in the sky to light the opposite side of the chasm.  Landi plopped down on a flat stone next to the water and exchanged her hiking boots for the canvas tennies she'd stashed in her bag.  She took off her cardigan and tied it to her back pack, took a swig of water from her bottle, rolled up her jeans, and started across the brook.
    "Whoa, wait a minute!" James yelled.  "Let me go first," he added, catching up to her.  His voice echoed back and forth across the canyon, causing the couple to laugh.
    "Suit yourself," she said, stepping back onto the bank.
    She watched the man transverse the channel, choosing which stones to step upon with care.  She could see his muscles bunch and strain as necessary when he tried to keep his balance and fight the current.  After arriving at the other side, he gestured for her to come over.  She'd made it half way when he reached for her hand and pulled her the rest of the way across, tugging upward and lifting her feet above the gushing water.  Landi collided with his chest, hard, on the far bank.
    "Sorry," he said, an amazed look spreading across his face.  He gripped her by the upper arms, making sure she didn't fall backwards into the creek after their encounter.
    "What?" she said defensively, unable to read his expression.
    He shook his head.  "I'm always surprised at how light you are.  How can bones and

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