A Bridge Through Time: (Time Travel)

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Book: A Bridge Through Time: (Time Travel) by Gloria Gay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gloria Gay
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Except something different happened this time when I touched the portrait. I’ve been thinking about it and I’ve come to the conclusion that I was too young to meet with you in the past then, when I was only fourteen. Ten years later I was old enough to meet you. That’s the only reason I can think of that I was blasted to your time the second time and not the first time I touched your hand.
    “Jestyn, the moment I touched your hand the second time, I went spinning in space through some intense light until I thought I was going to die. I blacked out and then I came back to consciousness on a dirt road where I flagged down your carriage and almost got killed in the process!”
    When Jestyn said nothing, but only stared quietly at her, Jane went on.
    “I work as a reporter, with CBS, Jestyn. I’m a journalist.
    “I had just transferred to London, to my new job as a foreign correspondent and had a three-week vacation before I was to start my work. My boss suggested I look in on as many sites as possible before I started work. So my friend Cybil and I booked the tour of your estate.
    “That’s so amazing, Jane.” Jestyn shook his head.
    “You believe me, Jestyn?”
    “I’d be hesitant, if I hadn’t seen what you call your flashlight and that object you just now showed me, but now I do believe you, Jane, completely. Tell me more about the tour. Maybe something in that tour can give as a clue as to why that happened to you, Jane.”
    “Well, the tour was comprised of a visit to Greywick Hall— this Greywick Hall—but the way it is in the year 2015, and no longer belonging to your family but being managed as a tourist attraction by England’s National Trust. It was there that I saw your portraits, yours and your brother’s.
    As Jane went on explaining, Jestyn listened in rapt attention, never once interrupting. He also realized how very pretty Miss Fielder was and what strange unfamiliar sensations went through his body as he listened to her strange talk.
    “Anyhow, I had planned to go to Lydford the following day,” she was saying. “I intended to visit Lydford Castle which I had not been able to see when I visited with my mother all those years ago because it was closed on the day we went.
    “I intended also to look at your portrait again because I wanted to make sure I had really seen the pendant in your hand and your hand had been warm to my touch. My mother had said there was no pendant in your hand when we had seen the portrait together. However, she did not press the point because she and I knew that I sometimes saw things other people didn’t. She had told me on a few occasions that I had deeper vision than most people, but that I should keep it a secret.
    I had transferred to England to distract me from the tragedy of my parents’ death and the visit to view your portrait was a sentimental journey for me.”
    “It seems strange that you would embark on such a journey, merely because my hand on the portrait had seemed warm to you so many years ago.”
    “As I said before, I’m a journalist, Jestyn, and used to following strange leads. This area is considered magical in my time. People trek here from all parts of England and the world. Many people have talked of having experiences where they have momentarily gone into another time zone for a second or so.”
    “Our area is spiritual in my time too, Jane. But people know better than to insist they have gone back or forward in time. To speak of magic and sorcery gets you in trouble very fast around here. Even though the last witches that were burned in England were burned in this area about a hundred years ago, superstition is still very much a part of people’s lives.”
    Justin realized at that moment that his attraction to Jane grew by the minute and he would be very sorry to see her leave—very sorry. Her full lips, incredibly beautiful eyes and luscious hair did something to his mind and her feisty nature filled him with a need to be in

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