A Baby For The Billionaire
the door behind her and wishing she could shut out the world at the
same time. She sat on the edge of the bed with her head in her
hands, tears falling freely down her face as she tried to come to
terms with what the doctor had said—that a termination was still an
option for her.
    Alicia had always imagined having
children, but had thought that it would be after she had married
the father, and definitely after she had seen a little something of
the world first. The best laid plans of mice, men and stupid women,
she thought ruefully, wiping away her tears with an impatient
    She wondered if ending her pregnancy
could be the best thing for all concerned. Right now she didn’t
know what the best thing to do would be, but somehow she would
figure out. She had to, and sitting here feeling sorry for herself
wasn’t going to solve anything. She had to get her act together and
figure out what was going to be the best thing for everyone;
herself, her baby and her mother. She couldn’t afford to lose her
job, so she had to keep her pregnancy quiet for as long as
possible. If she lost her job she wouldn’t be able to look after
her mother or her child, and there was no way that she could let
that happen.
    Of course, she could always go back to
her original idea—the one she’d had immediately after that night
with Chase. She could go to the press and tell them what had
happened, except now she would have the added little nugget that
he’d got her pregnant. She had been worried it would just be his
word against hers, but they couldn’t dispute the validity of her
statement when she had a child as proof. No one could argue with
DNA, could they?
    Alicia mulled the idea over for a few
minutes before discarding it. She had her child to think of, and
some day, down the line, it was bound to come out that she had sold
to the highest paying tabloid the story of how he or she was
conceived. She didn’t want that for her baby, and she definitely
didn’t want him or her to read all about it on the
    What’s more, Alicia couldn’t come to
terms with the fact that if she actually went through with it she
would also be hurting an innocent woman. While Vanessa was an utter
bitch, she didn’t deserve to find out that her husband was a lying,
cheating bastard by reading it in the newspapers. No, that option
was definitely out of the window.
    There was always the option of
blackmailing Chase, she thought. Instead of going to the press, she
could tell him about the baby and demand he pay for her silence.
She might end up getting a very nice custody package and a lump sum
for her having to stop working.
    Even without having to decide what to
do for the financial security of her unborn child, Alicia still
needed to figure out what on earth she was going to do with regards
to funding her mother’s treatment. It seemed that no matter how
hard she worked or what sacrifices she made, she just couldn’t seem
to catch a break.
    As soon as she thought it
she felt ashamed of herself. She was worried about the so-called
sacrifices she needed to made, when her mother had been making
those very same, very real, sacrifices for years. Since Alicia had
been born her mom had scrimped and saved and gone without so much
just to ensure that her daughter had everything that she needed. And it was
soon going to be time for Alicia to do the same thing for her child. She just
wished that she could think of a way to at least get a fighting
start, her mother the financial help that she needed for her
medical treatment, and her baby a decent beginning in
    For now, all she could do was to make
sure that her pregnancy remained hidden for as long as possible. At
least that way she would be able to keep her job and try to save as
much as possible until the time came when she was unable to work
anymore. She didn’t have a clue what she would do then, but she
knew that she would think of something. She

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