500 Foreign Words and Phrases You Should Know to Sound Smart

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Book: 500 Foreign Words and Phrases You Should Know to Sound Smart by Peter Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Archer
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    For the sake of example; for instance.
In discussing the awful state of American culture today, let’s consider, EXEMPLI GRATIA, the unwarranted attention paid to Kim Kardashian’s seventy-two - day “marriage.”
    ex gratia (Latin) (eks GRAH-tee-ah) (adv.)
    By favor; that is, from kindness or generosity rather than because of compulsion.
Because he has said that billionaires should pay more taxes, many people have urged Warren Buffet to make an EX GRATIA payment to the U.S. Treasury .
    ex libris (Latin) (eks LEE-briss) (adv.)
    From the library. This is a common phrase found on book plates (well, it would be a common phrase if anyone used book plates anymore) and is followed by the owner’s name.
EX LIBRIS Peter Archer (not to be removed by anyone else) .
    Ex nihilo nihil fit (Latin) (eks NIL-oh NE-hil FIT) (phrase)
    Nothing comes from nothing. This is a very ancient argument used by Greek philosophers (particularly Aristotle) to justify the idea of a First Cause. The world, they argued, must have existed in some form from eternity, since to say otherwise was to believe that matter could be created from nothing. The idea was expressed in this form by Empedocles (490 B.C. –430 B.C. )
    ex officio (Latin) (eks oh-FIK-ee-oh) (adv.)
    Literally “from office.” More generally, this refers to someone who holds one position by virtue of holding another.
The president of the United States is EX OFFICIO the commander in chief of American armed forces .
    ex parte (Latin) (eks PAHR-tay) (adv.)
    From one person or party. A legal decision occasionally doesn’t require that both parties to the dispute be present; such a decision is referred to as “ex parte.”
Since my spouse disappeared, taking all of our money with him, the judge rendered an EX PARTE decision granting me a divorce .
    ex post facto (Latin) (eks post FAK-toh) (phrase)
    Literally, “from after the fact.” Retrospectively. A law or a decision that is implemented “ex post facto” is one that affects issues or circumstances that existed prior to the law or decision’s enactment.
The decision by some states EX POST FACTO to rewrite their death penalty laws has meant that many prisoners have been removed from death row .

“Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German.”
—Mark Twain

    façade (French) (fah-SAHD) (noun)
    Literally, “face.” One exterior side of a building, usually intended to be seen by the largest number of people and thus more elaborately decorated than the other sides. From this, the word has come to imply an insincere appearance.
Although Robert is a highly unpleasant person, in order to keep his job he has to preserve a FAÇADE of civility .
    facsimile (Latin) (FAK-si-mi-LEE) (noun)
    Made alike. Thus, the modern usage of the word, reproduction. Ideally, a facsimile should be as accurate a copy of the original as possible, including any flaws and imperfections that might occur.
In my living room, you’ll find a FACSIMILE of Da Vinci’s St. Anne with Virgin and Child, which proves I’m very sophisticated, since a less knowledgeable person would have had a copy of the Mona Lisa .
    facta non verba (Latin) (FAK-tah non WERB-ah) (phrase)
    Deeds, not words. Colloquially, don’t say it, do it.
I’m sick and tired of everyone chattering on about the weather. FACTA NON VERBA! It’s time we did something about it!
    fait accompli (French) (FEHT a-kohm-PLEE) (noun)
    An accomplished deed. Usually refers to something that has been done before anyone is fully aware of it or, possibly, has approved of it.
I’m afraid the secret documents have already been published on Wikileaks, so it’s a bit of a FAIT ACCOMPLI .
    faute de mieux (French) (FOHT de MYUH) (phrase)
    For want of anything better. For lack of a superior plan.
I realize that going to see the latest Sandra Bullock movie may not be to everyone’s taste, but FAUTE DE MIEUX, I think we’re stuck with it .
    faux pas (French)

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