22 Nights

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Book: 22 Nights by Linda Winstead Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Winstead Jones
nowhere near as tall as her “husband.” His legs were long and strong, and he did not seem inclined to slow his pace on her account.
    Bela had convinced herself that she’d chosen Merin to take her virginity because he was the most powerful and the most likely to die, in her opinion. After all, he’d already been injured, and had a number of scars which marked him as . . . well . . . careless or unlucky or both. But in truth, she had admired his physical form from the start. He was a fine example of manhood, from his curly hair to his pretty face to his long body to the large appendage with which he had made her squeal.
    When Merin reached the edge of the water, he removed his boots. She suspected that he might want to step into the creek to cool off. She expected he’d roll up his pants legs next, but instead he yanked his dirty shirt over his head and dropped it to the ground, then readjusted the braided rope at his waist so he could unfasten his trousers.
    “What are you doing?”
    “I’m going to take a piss, and then I’m going to take a bath, of sorts, in this creek.”
    She could turn her back while he relieved himself, and in truth she would have to do something very soon. She’d been suppressing her own natural urges all afternoon, and would soon have to pee. But if Merin walked into the creek to bathe, he would drag her along, and she was not taking off her clothes in front of him! Could she remain dressed for twenty-two days? Yes, she could!
    He whipped off his trousers, apparently not caring that she watched. And though she was slightly mortified, she did watch. His entire body was hard, totally masculine, and it seemed there were a few more scars than she remembered. He’d lived a hard life, and the harshness was written on his skin. Even his butt was hard and nicely shaped. There were no scars there, she noted.
    With his back to her, Merin relieved himself by the creek. She ordered him not to look and did the same, as quickly as possible. She might consider remaining un-bathed and in these same clothes for twenty-two days, but she could not go long without taking care of her body’s natural functions. The task was easier for him, thanks to his male anatomy, but she was accustomed to managing quickly and efficiently. When she was done and her trousers were in place, she advised him that she was done.
    And then he turned to her.
    The appendage between his legs was not as she remembered. Not at all. It was soft and just hung there, not at all threatening or intimidating. That thing wouldn’t hurt her, or anyone else. She relaxed a bit.
    “Are you taking off your clothes?” he asked.
    “Not planning to bathe or change clothing for the next twenty-two days?”
    Bela pursed her lips. “Twenty-two days is not so very long.”
    He smiled, and she noticed that his manhood twitched and grew a little. Oh, no! She was not putting herself through that agony again!
    She drew the small knife she always wore at her waist and wagged it in his direction. “This is ridiculous. We’ll just have to stay married. I don’t mind so much, since you’re not around to bother me. I’ll cut the rope”—she grabbed a section and placed the sharp side of the blade there—“and you can leave. Go tell you emperor I’m not interested in his offer, and we’ll continue on as we have, married but separate.”
    Merin moved very quickly and efficiently. He grabbed the knife from her hand and snatched it well away from the rope. “No. I can’t continue as we have because I’m no longer ignorant of the situation. We will dissolve this marriage, Bela, and you will present yourself to the emperor. When he chooses someone else and sends you home, you can return to your people and find yourself another husband to torture.”
    “I do not torture you!” she protested. Belatedly, her feelings were hurt. “Why are you so sure the emperor would not choose me, given the chance?”
    He smiled. “Just be yourself,

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