1st (Love For Sale)

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Book: 1st (Love For Sale) by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Hughes
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    “Remember, if he does anything you don’t like, just call me and I’ll come over to kick his ass.” McKayla hugged me tightly then glared at the driver.  “You better not fucking wreck.”
    Instead of looking taken-back by Mckayla’s attitude, the drive just winked.  “Don’t worry.  She’s in good hands tonight.” He was actually flirting with my best friend and obviously she wasn’t immune because the pissed off look dropped right off her face.
    I didn’t have time to think about the two of them at the moment, because my stomach was tied in knots.  Sliding into the luxurious backseat of the limo, I eyed the champagne then decided against it.  The last thing I needed tonight was to not be in complete control of my senses.
    Last night the driver had kept the partition up between us as he drove, tonight it was down.  I caught him glancing at me in the rearview mirror and attempted a friendly smile.  I’m sure I failed miserably because I really was close to throwing up.
    “You’ll be fine.” He pulled out onto the road putting his attention there and I wished I had his confidence. “I’m Joel, and Mr. Corbin has instructed me to tell you that whenever you need transportation to let me know.  I’ll give you my card when we arrive at the mansion.”
    “Um.  Thanks.”  I wondered why Seth would offer his driver to me, but with everything else going on, it was the least of my concerns.
    “You’re welcome.  I have a feeling you and I will become very good friends.” His tone seemed to be a lot less informal than what I expected an employee to have, but again I just didn’t have it in me to think about anything else.  Who knew how these billionaires expected their staff to act, anyway?
    He turned on some classical song, and continued to drive leaving me drowning in my own insecurities.  I crossed my legs, then uncrossed them, fidgeting to get comfortable and getting more nervous by the moment.  This was a stupid idea, and I knew the smart choice would be to ask him to turn around.  I didn’t, and before I knew it, we were pulling up to the security gate then driving through.  I couldn’t help but feel like I was going to prison as the mansion loomed ahead, the dread leaving my already weak stomach churning.
    Joel stopped the car and walked over to my door opening it.  I wasn’t getting out and stepping into Seth’s world.  I just couldn’t do it.  “Miss?” His hand outstretched, waiting for me to take it and I shook my head.  I don’t know why I was suddenly terrified, but listening to my gut feelings seemed like the right idea.
    When I refused his hand, Joel hunched down, smiling calmly as our eyes met.  “What’s the worst that could happen?” He gave me the same words I’d thought earlier and my mind went on a rampage of thoughts.
    “You tell me, he’s your boss.”  I didn’t want to share my ideas of how wrong this could go.  Inching back toward the other door, I knew this was stupid.  Money wasn’t worth selling my soul for.
    “I can’t disclose his secrets, but what I can tell you is that I’ve never had a woman leave here unhappy.” His grin turned almost boyish in nature and for some stupid reason I wanted to believe him.  Maybe it was because he seemed so confident, or that his words reminded me of what Seth and I had shared last night.
    Taking a deep breath, I moved back toward him and held out my hand.  “If something bad happens I’m going to hold you responsible.”  The words were a lie, but I needed to feel like I had some control over this situation.  He stood and took my hand, pulling me almost carefully out of my seat.
    “You’ll see I’m right.  I look forward to seeing you later.”  His words seemed to hint at something other than a drive home, but the last thing I needed was to worry about anything other than this decision I was making.
    Joel let my hand go and pulled a card from his wallet, handing it over.  I put it

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