17 Spooktacular - My Sister the Vampire

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Book: 17 Spooktacular - My Sister the Vampire by Sienna Mercer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Mercer
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investigation” show.’ She made air-quotes around the words, her tone dripping with contempt. ‘A camera follows
Gregor around while he “investigates” incidents involving the paranormal and supernatural.’
    ‘He links all the “unexplained events” he investigates to old myths and legends from other places,’ Sophia said. “He’s always going on and on about the
stories he’s heard “back home”. Isn’t he from somewhere in Eastern Europe?’
    ‘So he claims,’ Ivy muttered. ‘But to
, his accent is less “I grew up in Eastern Europe,” and more “I backpacked around Europe one summer and now
I’m faking it.”’
    Olivia frowned down at Brendan’s phone as the clip continued. ‘I don’t like the way he talks to people.’
    As they watched, Gregor hounded civilian after civilian in whatever town he was visiting, throwing aggressive, leading questions at them.
    ‘You say the glass
    Each time, the response from the interviewee was the same. A slight cringe, and a reluctant nod. ‘It, you know, it kind of . . .
. It looked weird, but maybe there’s
. . .’
    The interviewee would never get to finish their thought. At the first sign of disagreement, Gregor would pivot away, taking his microphone with him, flashing his trademark expression of intense
concentration – his white teeth glinting and his dark eyes widening until he looked almost manic. ‘Undeniable proof of ghostly activity! At last, the truth is out!’ he declared.
‘My mission continues, for I will never rest – not until the spirits do.’
    ‘Ooohhh.’ Reiko’s eyes widened as she watched. ‘Good line.’
    ‘Huh.’ Ivy shrugged irritably. ‘I don’t know. I can’t tell if it’s just dumb, or if it’s so cheesy it’s actually brilliant. All I know is, the
thing we need right now is for Gleka to get hundreds of thousands of people thinking that something paranormal is going on in Franklin Grove. So . . .’ She tapped
Brendan’s phone to halt playback and looked from one of her friends to another, thinking hard. ‘We’re going to have to throw Josh’s gang off the scent, and fast, if we want
to keep Gregor away . . .’
    She looked to her twin.
    ‘. . . and that’s going to take some serious acting skills.’

    Every so often, Olivia really wished that she hadn’t stumbled into an acting career. Oh, sure, there were upsides – movie sets, international travel, meeting the boy
of her dreams – but there were also serious downsides, like mean girls on message boards who hated her for being with Jackson . . . and moments when her own friends nominated her to do some
on-the-spot “acting” to get them out of trouble.
    At least this performance, unlike her upcoming film scenes, wouldn’t require a Southern accent. This time she was playing a simple role:
Olivia Abbott, chatterbox.
    ‘Oh, it was amaaaazing!’ she squealed into her cell phone, four feet away from Josh and the greasy gang’s table in the Meat and Greet. She was fake-wandering down the aisle
just a few inches at a time, as if she were so wrapped up in her conversation that she didn’t even realise that anyone else could hear her . . . especially the boys whose table she was
secretly aiming for. ‘I just soooo wish you could have been at Café Creative for the party, Jackson,’ she said loudly. She had to hide a wince at the rolled eyes of the customers
at the nearby table, whose conversations were being interrupted by her blasting voice.
    Remember: this is what we want!
For the sake of every vamp in town, she needed as many people as possible to overhear her. So she added a happy little bounce to her next step, and
pretended not to notice the annoyed huff of the man whose foot she’d just trodden on.
    ‘Camilla put together the most incredible, spooky effects for Halloween!
the last one,’ she added, as she drifted to a halt by the boys’ table. ‘I
could hardly believe how real it

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