Read Online 11 by Kylie Brant - Free Book Online

Book: 11 by Kylie Brant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Brant
Tags: Fiction & Literature
to ease the fear response to traumatic memories. But it wasn’t the response she’d want to erase, but the memories themselves. They lived inside her, jagged slivers of recall that could rise at will, hurtling her back to a time she doubted she’d ever scour from her mind.
    “You don’t trust me, but I’m supposed to trust that you’ll make the call if I get you out of the country?” The sound of disgust he made was unmistakable. He drained the bottle he held and bent to replace it in the carton.
    “I’ll reimburse you for any expenses you incur,” she said stiffly. The condensation collected on the bottle must have transferred to her palms. Nothing else could explain how they’d gone inexplicably damp.
    He gave a slow nod. “Don’t worry, you’ll be billed. But know this— if I discover that you’ve lied to me about your roommate’s death, I’ll personally wrap you up like a Christmas gift and hand deliver you to the Da Nang police department’s doorstep.”
    Curiously, something inside her eased at his show of scruples. Was he too scrupulous to have led Four to her? Mia wasn’t quite ready to believe it yet. But if she could get on that boat he’d hired, a major problem would be solved in a matter of hours.
    She saluted him with her bottle. “Sounds like we understand each other perfectly.”
    * * * *
    The night was balmy, but they each wore one of the dark sweatshirts Jude had bought anyway. Hooded, they looked like a duo bent on committing a B&E. Their intent was no less illegal.
    Given the area of town, the occasional bar was still open as they walked to the wharf. More than once a police cruiser rolled slowly, one stopping to break up a scuffle outside a tavern.
    Jude was glued to Mia’s side. At the appearance of the first cruiser he’d thrown an arm around her shoulders, hauled her uncomfortably close in a half walk half stumble pace. She knew the pose would make them look like a couple making their drunken way home after too long at a nightclub. But his proximity had all her muscles tensing. She avoided physical contact whenever possible. Especially with males.
    With effort she withstood the unease scampering through her. Being pressed against Jude Bishop was not her biggest problem right now. Not by a long shot.
    As they drew closer to the wharves the noise dimmed. The infrequent activity quieted. Mia turned her head to scan the street behind them. If anyone was interested in their movement they were hidden in shadows. The knowledge wasn’t exactly calming. Her heart was tripping a rapid rhythm in her chest. The darkness veiled them, but also provided anyone watching them with the same anonymity.
    “We’ll be early on purpose.” Jude breathed the words. “I wanted to beat the fisherman here to be sure he doesn’t arrange for any surprises.”
    Her steps faltered at the words. Of all the myriad dangers they could possibly be confronted with, she hadn’t even considered the boat owner. For once she was—if not exactly grateful—certainly not unhappy Bishop was accompanying her.
    If it had been daylight they would have been able to see Cau Thuan Phuoc, the tall suspension bridge that spanned the water where the mouth of the Han River emptied into Da Nang Bay. But the docks they approached were working wharves, lined with fishing vessels that would set out for the South China Sea before dawn. Only an occasional light dotted the rows and rows of piers, making Mia grateful for the heavy half moon that lit their way.
    The lines of wooden docks were a maze with a common passway that connected them a hundred yards out. The individual docks radiated from it like fingers, each lined on both sides with boats.
    “Watch your step. It’s dark as pitch.” As if to prove the words he stumbled over a coil of rope lying on the wooden planks in front of them. “The boat we want is about three-quarters ways up.”
    “Stop! What are you doing here?” A flashlight beam spotlighted them in its

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