06 Suspects and Surprises

Read Online 06 Suspects and Surprises by Cindy Bell - Free Book Online

Book: 06 Suspects and Surprises by Cindy Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Bell
    “Well, it doesn't matter what he, or Jason thinks, we know the truth, Suzie,” Mary said firmly.
    “Here’s your bagel,” Suzie said and handed her the plate. “Did you mention the car that I saw to Wes?”
    “Thank you,” Mary said with a warm smile. “I did mention it to him. He said that he would look into it, but just a color and description isn't much to go on.”
    “Great,” Suzie sighed. “Well, at least he is going to look into it. I think I'm going to call Louis and see if anyone has contacted him about this.”
    “About what?” Louis said from the front door. Suzie realized she had left the exterior door open when she came back inside.
    “Louis,” Suzie said, her heart pounding faster.
    “Is Warren up yet?” he asked. “I was going to take him to breakfast. No offense against your cooking, Mary, I just thought it would be a courteous thing to do.”
    Mary grimaced and set down her plate. “I don't think that is going to be possible, Louis,” she said gingerly.
    Suzie braced herself. She walked towards Louis, who looked a little confused. “Unfortunately, Louis, Warren died early this morning,” she said matter-of-factly. She believed in ripping the band-aid off quickly, especially when it came to news like this.
    “What?” Louis' eyes widened. “Are you playing some kind of prank on me?”
    “No, Louis,” Mary said in a soothing tone. “We're telling you the truth. Warren died early this morning, his body is at the medical examiner's office.”
    “What? Why?” Louis asked and grasped the kitchen counter to hold himself up. He had gone very pale. “How did this happen?” he demanded.
    “He fell from the balcony,” Suzie explained haltingly. “Well, we believe he was killed, the police believe it was an accident.”
    “If I had known that it wasn't safe here…” Louis gasped out.
    “Louis, please,” Mary said. “You know how careful we have been with restorations. We didn't cause this to happen.”
    “You said you think he was killed, why do you think that?” Louis asked desperately.
    “Because I don't believe that the railing could have given way that easily,” Suzie said with confidence. “What happened is a tragedy, but I do not believe that it was an accident.”
    “Does it matter?” Louis asked in a whisper. “Whether he was killed or it was an accident, he's gone. Because of me.”
    “It's certainly not because of you,” Mary said swiftly. “You couldn't have known any of this would happen.”
    “But he never would have been here if it wasn't to evaluate my book,” Louis pointed out tearfully.
    “Louis, it's going to be okay,” Suzie said and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I know this is quite a shock, but it is going to be okay.”
    “I hope so,” he murmured. “I guess I should go. I should probably call Gerald. I don't know.”
    “Have some coffee, Louis,” Mary said. “Take a seat, and drink some coffee. It'll help you settle down.”
    “I don't think I should,” Louis sighed. “I was so excited about Warren's visit that I didn't sleep at all last night. If I drink coffee I'll be wired.”
    “Maybe it's best if you do go home and get some rest then,” Suzie suggested.
    “I think that would be best,” Louis agreed. He looked between the two women. “I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything.”
    “It's okay,” Mary said. “I'll walk you out.”
    “Thanks,” Louis nodded. As Mary walked him out of Dune House, Suzie frowned. She knew that Louis was just the beginning. Everyone in Garber would soon believe that a fatal accident had occurred at Dune House.
    “I think I'm going to lay down for a little while,” Mary said when she walked back inside. “I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, but I need to get off of my knees.”
    “I understand,” Suzie nodded. “I'm going to see if I can persuade Jason to take another look at this situation.”
    “Good luck,” Mary said. “Wake me if I can

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