03-Savage Moon

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Book: 03-Savage Moon by Chris Simms Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Simms
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knocked on Summerby's door.
    'Come in.'
    Summerby was just replacing the phone, his eyes on the computer screen. 'Ah, Jon, what brings you up here so bright and early?'
    'Morning, boss. I was just talking to the radio control room. There's been a major development with my case.'
    Summerby motioned to a chair, one eye still on his computer screen. 'Sit down.'
    Jon perched on the edge of the seat. 'Yesterday I questioned the man who was attacked in the car park at Silburn Grove on Thursday night. When I asked for a description of his attacker he fed me a pack of lies. He'd also failed to seek medical help for the injuries he'd sustained. He was hiding something and I believe it was the fact that he knew his attacker.'
    'Interesting.' Summerby finally dragged his eyes from the screen. 'So what's your next move?'
    'Well, Sir, it's already been decided for me. His body was discovered in a car park by Daisy Nook Country Park this morning.'
    Summerby's eyes slid back to his screen. 'Derek Peterson? This was the man you interviewed yesterday? Details have just gone on to the computer.'
    'I gathered they were about to. That's why I came up to see you. Before word starts getting out... ' An image of McCloughlin was in his mind and he chose his words more carefully. 'You know the politics something like this can create.' Summerby's eyebrow was raised. 'Indeed I do. You're wanting this one for yourself, I take it?' Jon nodded.
    'It's Category A. Members of the public at risk, Major Incident Room facilities, dedicated SIO and high level of media interest anticipated.'
    'High level of media interest?'
    'You obviously haven't actually read the incident details.'
    'No,' Jon replied, wondering what was causing the dubious expression on Summerby's face.
    'The man's throat was ripped out. He also suffered extensive lacerations to his face and chest.'
    Jon had to gulp before any words would come out. 'Same as the woman up on Saddleworth Moor?'
    'Seems so. When the press learn of this, it's going to be madness.' He reached for his A to Z of Manchester and turned to the index. 'Daisy Nook Country Park, here we are.' Summerby flicked to the overall map of the city and turned the book around for Jon to see. The park was on pages eighty-six and eighty-seven, near the edge of the grid of squares that covered the city and its outlying areas. A couple of inches to the right and the grid ended to be replaced by an expanse of green. Saddleworth Moor. 'There can't be five miles between the two killings.'
    Jon studied the map. Jesus, could some sort of wild animal really be stalking the outskirts of Manchester?
    'DI Spicer, are you sure you want involvement in this? It's going to be in the glare of the media. I don't need to mention the hours you'll have to put in.'
    To keep his hands from fluttering with excitement, Jon placed them between his knees. He'd have to forget nine to five on this one. It would be evenings, late nights, weekends. The works. He thought about how Alice would cope with Holly on her own. But what else could he do? They both knew his job wasn't governed by normal hours and this case had suddenly got too good. 'It'll be fine sir. Both mums lives near by, they're more than happy to help out.'
    Summerby nodded. 'Well, if you're sure, I'm happy for you to take it on. Obviously we'll have to make arrangements with the divisional bobbies handling the investigation on Saddleworth Moor, but I'm sure they'll understand this is now a case for the Major Incident Team. I'll let the necessary people know. You get over there. Here, I'll print you a copy of the report.' He clicked his mouse and the printer began to whirr on the corner of his desk. 'You know what the bit of water's called that this car park is next to?'
    Summerby had a wry smile on his face. 'Crime Lake.'
    'You're serious?'
    'Afraid so. Earned that name when a body was dumped in it. Couple of hundred years ago, mind you.'
    Shit, the papers were going to have a field

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