02 Madoc

Read Online 02 Madoc by Paige Tyler - Free Book Online

Book: 02 Madoc by Paige Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
Tags: Cutler Brothers
hers only long enough so that he could lift it over her head. He went to work on her jeans next, hastily undoing the buttons so that he could push them down her long, shapely legs.
    Despite his eagerness to see Shayna completely naked, however, Madoc couldn’t resist pausing for a moment to gaze down at her. Though he had seen her in a bra and panties the night before, he’d been too focused on getting her warmed up to allow himself more than a quick look, but now, he stood there breathing hard as he drank in the sight of her.
    He would have loved to have taken his time removing her bra and teasing the nipples that were already hardening beneath his gaze, but he was too excited for that. He moved to take off her lacy bra, but she was already pushing his coat from his shoulders and down his arms. There was something very sexy about Shayna undressing him, he decided, especially when she pushed his hands away as he tried to help. She was so eager that she almost ripped the buttons from his shirt taking it off him. Man, was that hot!
    Tossing the garment aside, Shayna let her gaze run over his bare chest admiringly for a long moment before reaching for his belt. Pulling him closer, she used one hand to tug him down for a kiss while she undid his belt with the other. He decided she was quite talented to still keep kissing him while being able to get his jeans down at the same time. As he stepped out of them, he felt her close her hand around his hard cock and caress him firmly as she moved her mouth passionately over his.
    Eager for Shayna to be as naked as he now was, Madoc stripped off her bra and panties with the same urgency as he had the rest of her clothing. Pulling her into his arms, he trailed hot kisses over her jaw and down her neck until he came to her breasts. Cupping the sweetly curved mounds in his hands, he took one turgid nipple into his mouth to suckle on it before going to her other breast and lavishing the same attention on the hardened peak he found there. Still cupping her creamy breasts in his hands, he slowly kissed his way back up to her ear.
    Shayna’s head fell back, giving him easy access to her neck, and Madoc took that as an invitation to kiss and nibble at the sensitive spot just below her ear. She moaned softly, only to gasp out loud a moment later as he took the pale pink buds of her nipples between his fingers and firmly squeezed them.
    Madoc was about to bend his head to take one of those hard, little peaks into his mouth again when he felt Shayna’s hands on his arms, tugging him toward the bed. He went willingly, letting his gaze run over her naked form appreciatively as she lay back on the bed. He took in her perfectly-formed breasts, slender waist, and long, shapely legs. She was perfect, he thought.
    “God, you’re absolutely gorgeous,” he breathed.
    Shayna blushed at his words, but before she could say anything in reply, Madoc leaned down and slowly began kissing his way from one slender ankle all the way up her leg to her inner thigh. As he neared her pussy, he heard her moan, and he couldn’t help but grin at the urgency in the sound. She was just as excited as he was. He lifted his head to meet her gaze as he reached the downy hair at the juncture of her thighs. Holding Shayna’s gaze with his own, he ran his tongue teasingly over her plump, little clit. She threw her head back with a moan and lifted her hips, begging him for more, and he gave her more, licking her clit in a way he knew would drive her wild.
    But as he ran his tongue up and down the slick folds of her pussy, she grew more and more excited, and the urge to be inside her became uncontrollable. With a low growl, he climbed onto the bed and, settling himself between her legs, he entered her fully in one deep thrust.
    Shayna wrapped her long legs around him, taking him even deeper, and Madoc groaned at how incredibly hot and tight she felt around him. It was like their bodies had been made to fit together, he

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