02-Let It Ride

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Book: 02-Let It Ride by L.C. Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.C. Chase
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“A horse.”
    Bridge groaned and shook his head, then laughed at Kent’s confused expression, only to laugh harder when Kent widened his eyes, having got it. A blush crept over his cheeks. “O-kay,” he said, embarrassment threading through his voice. “Eric, the boss lady is looking for you. Something about not having an on-call ambulance available for tomorrow.”
    “Shit.” Eric turned to Bridge, a question in his eyes.
    “I’ll take care of Rosie. Do what you need to.”
    “Thanks again. For the lesson,” Eric said quietly.
    “Anytime.” Bridge smiled, holding Eric’s stare a moment longer, then Eric turned and jogged toward the main clubhouse. When Eric was out of sight, Bridge turned to Kent. It was clear from the intent way Kent watched him that he was out of free passes. “Go on. Spill it,” he said, resigned.
    Kent didn’t hesitate. “You know I’m the first to say go for it if you’re attracted to someone, right? I love you like a brother and only want you to be happy, no matter who that’s with. But . . .” He paused, and the note of warning in his tone was unmistakable. “If this is just a curiosity thing about being with men, in general, don’t experiment with Eric. He’s been a good friend to us all, and I’d hate to see him get fucked over.”
    Bridge jerked back. Kent may as well have punched him in the gut. “Dude. You know I’d never do that.”
    “I know you never would in your heart or your mind”—Kent’s tone softened—“but I also know your dick doesn’t give a shit. If you find yourself in a hot and heavy corner, you’ll go with it, consequences be damned. So I’m just saying, if it’s curiosity, find someone else. Okay?”
    Bridge scowled and turned away. “Okay. Got it,” he snapped, his voice gruff. He resented that Kent thought he could toy with Eric like that. Yes, he’d been worried about whether or not he was really attracted to Eric in particular or if, for some strange reason, it was long-forgotten desires that had risen to the surface again that he wanted to explore. But in spending more time with Eric, he knew the answer to that now, without a doubt. He was attracted to Eric and only Eric. In every way.
    But at the same time, what else could Kent think? Bridge hadn’t brought everyone else up to speed yet. Kent didn’t know how long he’d been working this attraction through—didn’t even know he’d explored before. Bridge sighed. First he had to talk to Eric.

Later that night, after the poker game and another Cory visit had wrapped, and after Marty and Tripp had made another quick exit, Eric took his time putting away the last of the cards and chips.
    “Okay, ladies. I’m calling this day done too,” Kent said. He leveled a warning glare at Bridge, who was chucking beer cans into a box on the ground by the cooler, and then pulled the door to their RV open. “Don’t stay up all night talking about boys.”
    The metal door clapped shut behind him, and then it was just the two of them and the suddenly-too-still night.
    “What was that look?” Eric walked over to toss the empty beer can he’d been holding on to like a security blanket into the box at Bridge’s feet.
    Bridge shrugged. “Nothing.” He half turned, like he was about to head out for the night, even though he’d told Eric earlier that he wanted to talk to him after the game. A part of Eric didn’t want Bridge to leave yet, but the idea of what Bridge might want to talk about had his nerves strung tight. Bridge shoved his hands in his pockets and settled those beautiful brown eyes on him.
    “Got something I want to ask you.” He looked a bit uncomfortable, like he really didn’t want to ask but was forging ahead anyway.
    Eric nodded. “Okay.” He wasn’t sure he wanted to answer the question he knew was coming either. It definitely had to do with the looks and innuendo Bridge had been throwing at him lately, but nervous energy radiated from the man in waves and Eric

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