Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Lori) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 5)

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Book: Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Lori) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 5) by Ariana Hawkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariana Hawkes
you and bear your children.” She broke off, worried that she'd offended Bruno. “I mean, I know that most men aren’t like that.”
    “Just the occasional asshole who thinks he’s living in a ’40s time warp. Don’t worry, I know what you meant,” he said, flashing her a glance. His eyes glittered in the darkness and she knew that he was more amused than offended. “So where’s your old store in Hope Valley?”
    “It’s down on Eastman.”
    “Oh, yeah, I think I know it,” he said.
    “I actually haven’t been to see it since I’ve been back. I’ve heard that it’s now a vintage clothes and furnishings store, but not a very nice one, so I’ve been kind of putting off going there.”
    “Yeah, I get the impression it's owned by some out-of-towners who haven’t made any effort to integrate themselves into the valley.” Bruno frowned. “Actually, there’ve been some rumors that they’ve been running a money laundering operation or something there, and I think people are pretty keen to get them out.” Lori's heart gave a little jump while she absorbed the news.
    “Would you be interested in getting your old place back if it was available?”
    “Maybe,” she said slowly. “I mean starting up the online store again had crossed my mind, but I haven't really thought about having a physical store.”
    “Did your store use to be busy?” he asked.
    “Yes, there were always people coming in, at any time of the day, checking what was new in stock, buying things for their house, or as gifts for friends and family. It really was a happy place.” She smiled at the recollection.
    “I can imagine. I'm sure it reflected your personality,” he said. She looked at him sideways. That sounded like a compliment, but what did he mean? So far, he'd only seen her at her worst .
    “I don't know about that,” she said with a laugh. “But I was really proud of it.”
    “Well, let's hope you bring it to life again,” he said with warmth. “Actually, I’ll ask around, see if anyone knows who the owners are, aside from the rumors,” he said.
    “I’d appreciate that,” she said.
    They’d arrived at Andrea and Magnus's place.
    “Thank you so much for the ride, and for everything,” she said as she started to climb out of the car.
    “Wait, let me help you. It’s a big drop,” he said, as he opened his own door, climbed out and ran around to her side. He stretched out his arms and she carefully lifted Nancy up and handed her to him. The baby stirred and grizzled a little. Bruno held her against his body and stretched his free hand out to Lori. She took it, transferring a little of her weight onto him as she negotiated sliding out of the seat in her long dress. As she stepped down, her face came very close to his. She smelled the sweetness of his breath, saw his lips up close, well-shaped and slightly parted. She landed on the earth, with one foot and then the other, and he didn’t move his face away, his lips remaining inches from hers. His eyes bored into hers, the color still visible, even in the dark, and she had a fleeting sense of a connection between their souls. She felt that if she hadn’t been holding Nancy, he would have kissed her. No, I’m sure I’m mistaken . He stepped back abruptly.
    “I’ll walk you to the door,” he said, and strode off, along the pathway before she could think about protesting. She followed him and opened the door of the cabin with her key.
    “Would you like me to carry her upstairs for you?” he offered.
    “Oh, no thanks – you’ve done enough,” she said, taking her back. “Thank you so much for everything.”
    “It was my pleasure,” he replied. He waited until she’d walked inside and closed the door before he drove away.
    Lori took Nancy upstairs, changed her nappy and gave her a feed. How did I end up needing to be rescued by Bruno yet again? she thought. It was almost comical. Almost. He must think I'm such an idiot. Yet, his way with me is so

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