Romance: The Bear's Desired Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone ( Shifter Romance, BBW, Werebear) (Spicy Shifters Book 1)

Read Online Romance: The Bear's Desired Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone ( Shifter Romance, BBW, Werebear) (Spicy Shifters Book 1) by Ashley Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Romance: The Bear's Desired Mate: BBW Bear Shifter Romance Standalone ( Shifter Romance, BBW, Werebear) (Spicy Shifters Book 1) by Ashley Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Hunter
the dark and hurried to her car. Daylight Saving Time had happened the weekend before and it was starting to get darker earlier.
    It was also a lot colder and a fog was setting in. Amanda zipped up her jacket and watched her feet on the path. She could get to her car and wait inside for Grayson. She'd text him to know it was foggy outside.
    She reached into her bag for her keys and was fumbling to find the fob when she was tackled from the side. She hit the tarmac and cried out as her elbow took the most impact and began to burn. A heavy weight landed on top of her and rolled her onto her back. Then she was grabbed by the throat.
    "I told you I wasn't going to let you go."
    Tommy. Amanda was beginning to panic. Where was Grayson? She bucked and writhed but Tommy straddled her waist, pinning her down.
    "Let me go, Tommy!" It was difficult to get the words out when her windpipe was being constricted.
    She could see Tommy as the fog cleared. His hair was a mess, he hadn't shaved in a while and his eyes were wild. She had never seen him like this before.
    "I call you and you don't answer. And now I hear you're with another man!" He shook her. "You little slut!"
    Amanda was beginning to feel dizzy. Panic was clogging up the air she had left. She knew Tommy had a vicious streak in him but he had never flipped out like this. And he was going to kill her.
    She gripped his wrist and pushed, managing to ease the pressure a little on her throat.
    "I'm not your property, Tommy." She gasped. "You don't own me."
    "You think, Mandy?" Tommy shoved back and clamped tighter on her throat. "You're my girl and no one is going to touch you."
    He had tried calling her and Amanda had put a block on his number on all of her phones. He had attempted to see her at work and at home but Amanda had made everyone aware he was not to go anywhere near her. Grayson had tried to persuade her to go to the police and take out a restraining order on Tommy to make her feel safer. Amanda had refused, thinking that Tommy wouldn't really hurt her.
    Now she was wishing she had done.
    "I don't do what you want in bed and you still want me?" She couldn't believe the ludicrous logic. "You're insane."
    "I had you first." Tommy snarled.
    He reached into his jacket and took out a gun. Amanda's heart stopped when he pressed the barrel against her head. Tommy's expression could only be described as maniacal. He didn't look like the man she had loved and lived with for two years. He looked like a stranger.
    "If I can't have you," Tommy spat, "Nobody can."
    Amanda wanted to scream but he was squeezing her windpipe hard. Black spots began to appear in front of her eyes and she could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness. Weakly she tried to fight back but Tommy squeezed harder.
    Amanda couldn't be sure if she heard Grayson's voice or if it was her imagination. But she felt relief as she lost her strength. He had come for her. She was safe.
    With a snarl Tommy shoved her away and stood. Amanda rolled onto her side and gulped as much air as she could into her lungs as he strode away. It felt like her insides were burning and she couldn't get enough oxygen. She retched and closed her eyes, waiting for the world to stop wavering.
    She heard a gunshot and her eyes flew open. Then there was a growl that didn't sound human. It sent shivers down her spine. She heard Tommy swear loudly and his gun went off twice more.
    Fear gripping her, Amanda raised her head and found herself looking at Tommy squaring off with a bear. It was huge, bigger than she expected a bear to be. Its teeth were as long as her arm, his mouth open wide as he snarled at Tommy.
    Tommy was pointing the gun at him but his hand was shaking. Amanda could see he looked terrified. She couldn't blame him; she was scared to move in case the bear turned on her and attacked her.
    Tommy screamed and began firing. The bear moved faster than Amanda expected it to and dodged the bullets, leaping at Tommy. It

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