Shattered (the Spellbound Series Book 2)

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Book: Shattered (the Spellbound Series Book 2) by Rene Lanausse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rene Lanausse
shitty week, even when it’s being caused by people I love. And that’s one of the many reasons I like having Alyssa on my side. What comes out of her mouth is often pretty harsh, but it’s always what you need to hear. When I look up, she’s giving me her worried look, so I clear my throat and ask, “What should I do?”
                  “About the angel thing? You can’t exactly change your genetics.”
                  “Yeah, no shit. Any other nuggets of wisdom you’d like to share?”
                  “I don’t know. Maybe there’s a way to contact Michael, and have him teach you how to track down the other Nephilim before they become a problem.”
                  Now it’s my turn to fix Alyssa with a worried stare. “Do you know me at all? Allie, look at me. I can’t kill anyone-“
                  “You can, easily. You just won’t.”
                  “Because it’s wrong!”
                  “True. But if Michael’s telling the truth, it would be for the greater good.”
                  “If the ‘greater good’ involves killing innocent people, then I want no part in it.”
                  Alyssa lets out a sigh, and leans back in her armchair. “Fine. Play hero. See where that gets you. I’m just saying, it’s an option.”
                  “What are the others?”
                  “Pretend there is no problem until things get out of hand. That’s always worked out so well in the past.”
                  I shrug, and look down at Gideon while I scratch the orange patch of fur just under his chin. He starts purring, and I decide that I like animals a hell of a lot more than I like people right now.
                  A teapot in the kitchen starts whistling, and Alyssa gets up to take it off the stove. She fills our mugs with piping hot water, and says, “As for the rest of it… I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you need to go easy on Nick.”
                  “What?” I can’t believe what I just heard, either. Alyssa and Nick might be civil towards one another, but they’re not friends by any stretch of the imagination. And she’d normally never take his side.
                  “Think about it. Last week he knew who and what he was, but now his whole world has probably been turned on its head. Doesn’t that sound familiar?”
                  I glare at Alyssa, but I don’t answer. Of course it does.
                  “He’s probably having just as much trouble adjusting to things as you are. And when you throw in the fact that his family doesn’t want him around, he’s probably hurting in a huge way. You can’t imagine how much that sort of thing stings.”
                  And she’s right, I can’t. But she can; I still remember visiting Alyssa’s mother with her last year, and seeing the degree to which she hated her own daughter. I never would have thought Alyssa and Nick would have anything in common, but it at least explains why she’s being sympathetic towards him. “Fine,” I mutter as I throw up my hands in defeat. “So I’m not the only one going through a lot. I guess I’ll let him off the hook for now.”
                  “Good. Now, as for your mom-“
                  “No. I wasn’t exactly nice to her, but I’m not about to forgive her so easily.”
                  Alyssa comes back into the living room, holding two steaming mugs of raspberry zinger. She takes a seat next to me on the couch, prompting Gideon to migrate onto her lap instead of mine. As I take my first sip, she says, “You can’t keep lashing out at people when they try to protect you the only way they know how. You need to go back and apologize.”
                  “How could you possibly take her side on

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