Obsidian Curse
and bind her. Pickle is there to escort her back to the Otherworld.”
    “That’s it?”
    Danu smiled. “That’s it.”
    I downed the rest of my drink, rinsed the glass out, and put it in the sink. “Sounds simple enough.”
    Danu and Badb exchanged a look that sent a chill through the room.
    I narrowed my eyes. “Wait a minute. Who is the Leanan Sidhe?”
    Danu said, “The Mage will fill you in. That’s all for now.”
    “No, Danu, wait.”
    The bubble popped and they were gone.
    I grabbed the Blessed Book and a sweatshirt and slipped outside to head to the Geraghty Girls’ House, wondering who the Leanan Sidhe was and how I was supposed to find and bind her.
    I didn’t get very far because Blade Knight was standing on my porch holding a pizza. I checked his other hand for a tequila bottle, wondering if he had read my mind, but saw nothing.
    The sweatshirt was covering the book, thankfully. I clutched it to my chest.
    “Mr. Knight, what are you doing on my porch?” This guy was starting to creep me out. If we didn’t have something incredibly painful in common, I would have stabbed him in the shoulder already.
    “I brought you a peace offering.” He held up the pizza box. “I’m afraid we didn’t get off on the right foot and since we’ll be working together, I wanted to make it up to you.”
    How did he know I hadn’t eaten? “First of all, we”—I motioned from myself to him—“are not working together. Second”—I crossed my arms—“how did you know I wanted a pizza? What if I’d had a dinner date?”
    The author glanced behind him. “Well, I imagine you did, but the man who came in with the daisies and left in the truck didn’t stay long enough to eat. Didn’t look too happy either.”
    “Are you stalking me?”
    He looked confused at that, hurt even. “What? No. I just wanted to talk with you.”
    I glared at him. “How did you know where I live?”
    “Well, I—”
    “Who sent you?” Had he seen Pickle disappear into the tree? Or had he assumed I was talking to myself? Neither option appealed to me.
    “No one—”
    “What’s your game?” I stepped forward.
    “I don’t have—”
    I poked him. “And don’t lie to me!”
    “I’m not lying. If you’d just let me explain.”
    “I really don’t think I want to listen to anything you have to say.”
    Thor came around the corner then, eyeing Blade Knight first and then the pizza box.
    The man shot a glance at Thor and swung back to me. When he spoke, the words tumbled out. “Look, I was here earlier. I stopped by to talk to you. I saw the man leave, figured he was your date and you got into a fight, maybe you skipped dinner.” His brow furrowed as he glanced at my head. Probably the Bit-O-Honey wad was making an escape. “So I thought I’d be chivalrous. Bring you hot food and maybe you’d be more open to my proposal.”
    He shrugged. “That’s how I would write it. A mysterious stranger swoops in to save the day.” He raised one eyebrow like he was Clark Kent.
    I rolled my eyes. This guy had me very confused. At first he seemed threatening, then he seemed threatened by me, now he was being sweet and arrogant at the same time. Which irritated the hell out of me. I say pick a personality and stick with it.
    Thor inched over to our visitor, still eyeing the pizza box. A long trail of drool clung to his muzzle. He licked his lips. He didn’t seem too concerned about Knight, but I suspected maybe the aroma of fresh mozzarella and oregano was impeding his instincts.
    “What kind of pizza?”
    “The works. Extra pepperoni.”
    My stomach rumbled at the sound of that. Thor looked at me hopefully. Like, Can he stay? Please, can he?
    “Before I even entertain the idea of sharing a pizza with you, I want to know how you found out my address.”
    He nodded toward the Geraghty Girls’ House. “I didn’t. I’m staying next door and I saw you come up the driveway through the window.”
    Damn. Now I’d never

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