A Texas Sky (Yellow Rose Trilogy)
suddenly looked intense and said, "You've never
    talked much about your mother. How is she different from
    Marty Bracewell?"
    Darvi looked pained. 'It would take less time to tell you
    how they're the same." She shook her head a little. "My
    mother must have known Uncle Marty let me run wild
    during those visits. I learned to ride and shoot. I came back
    with a tan, scratched up my arms and legs, and probably
    had a little dirt behind my ears, but she never said a word.
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    She just plopped me into the tub, proclaiming that travel
    made one 'so dusty/ and put me back into my routine."
    "And from then on you were expected to be a little lady
    once again," Merry guessed.
    Darvi smiled wryly. "That about sums it up. I would sit
    in my proper little dress and shoes and long to be back
    climbing trees with you. Merry!" Darvi exclaimed with a
    sudden thought. "Will there be trees in heaven?"
    "I'm not sure. I have a memory of reading something in
    Scripture about that, but I couldn't tell you where."
    Darvi's eyes sparkled with delight "I love all these
    things I've yet to learn."
    Merry's eyes widened with surprise. "Most people feel
    just the opposite, Darv. They want to know it all right now
    and are frustrated that they don't."
    Darvi gave a little sigh. "I was so smug, Merry--so settled
    in my own world and sure I knew who I was and
    where I was going. No matter how much I don't know
    right now, I do know one thing: I'll keep searching and
    being in wonder, but I won't ever forget that God's Son
    died for me, and someday 111 live forever with Him."
    "I have all I can do not to hug you and burst into tears
    all over again."
    Darvi smiled. "I don't mind. I'd probably join you, but
    I have a better idea. Let me take you to lunch."
    "Lunch? Is it that late?"
    "No, but we forgot to eat breakfast, and I'm hungry"
    Merry, feeling she were walking on a cloud, tucked her
    arm into Darvi's and said, "I'll lead the way."
    3-- 'Sr-S'-
    I mention how I met your uncle?" Dakota asked
    between bites of the fried egg, bacon, baked bread, and hot
    coffee that Calder had prepared. 1
    "No, I don't think you did."
    ATexasSky 61
    "I first met him when I went to his office about the
    wound in my side, but then I visited this church and he
    was there with his family. They invited me to lunch."
    As Dakota was hoping, Calder took immediate interest
    "What did you think of the church?"
    "I liked it. I didn't have a Bible at the time, so it was
    somewhat hard to follow along, but I've thought a lot
    about what both the pastor and your uncle said."
    "So you discussed the sermon with Marc?"
    Dakota answered by way of explaining what the
    sermon had been about and why it had been confusing. To
    his relief, Calder seemed to understand completely.
    "I've had some of those same questions. Were you settled
    with Marc's answers, or do you still have questions?"
    "I have questions, but not about the sermon," Dakota
    said, realizing as he did so that he was not very comfortable
    admitting this.
    "About what?"
    Dakota answered with his eyes on his plate. "Prayer."
    Calder could see that he would need to go easy. He
    simply said, "If I can help, I'd be glad to."
    "Thank you."
    The men went on eating, Calder almost absentmindedly
    assisting the girls before asking Dakota a general question.
    The men talked easily about their jobs, neither showing
    outward appearances of stress.
    When do I let things ride, and when do I push a little? It was
    a question Calder wrestled with all through the conversation.
    The meal ended, and Dakota even helped him clean
    the kitchen, but the subject of Dakota's questions on prayer
    did not come up again.
    do I really know You hear me when I pray? Dakota
    asked the Lord not long after the meal. I know what Slater
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    and Desmond have said, and at first I felt that You heard me, but
    right now I'm not so sure.
    Dakota stood at the window in his room, barely keeping

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