Eye of the God

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Book: Eye of the God by Ariel Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariel Allison
office of Dr. Abigail Mitchell. I'm out of the office at the moment, but if you leave your name and number I'll get back with you.”
    “Hi Dr. Mitchell … I mean Abby. This is Alex Weld from National Geographic —”
    She turned and stared at the recording light on her machine and debated whether to pick up.
    “I was calling to see if I could set up a time to finish that interview we started. Just let me know when is best for you. My number is—”
    She hesitated for just a moment and then grabbed the receiver, “Hello?”
    “Hey, I didn't think you would be in the office today.”
    “I really shouldn't be.”
    “Do you usually come in on your days off?”
    Abby looked at the program running on her computer. “No, I just forgot something yesterday, and I swung by to pick it up.”
    “So can I cash that rain check you gave me last night? I cracked open my computer this morning only to find that I hardly got any information out of you.”
    “Sorry about that. My fault.”
    “Don't apologize. The company was great.”
    Abby smiled and dug her iPhone from the briefcase. “But to answer your question, I'd be more than happy to pencil something in. Let me see what I've got available.” She opened her calendar and groaned. “I have nothing during the day for the next two weeks. How pathetic is that?”
    “Popular lady.”
    “No. Just overwhelmed. It's that celebration I'm planning for the Hope Diamond.”
    “Surely it can't be that bad?”
    “You have no idea.”
    “Well, would it be too presumptuous of me to ask if we could meet at night? Maybe for dinner again?” Alex asked.
    Abby detected a note of hopefulness in his voice and couldn't help but grin. “I think that will work.”
    “Good,” Alex said. “How does tomorrow night sound?”
    “Perfect. Why don't you come by my office around five?”
    “It's a date then … I mean, like a work date … thing.”
    “Sounds good. I'll see you then.” Abby laughed and hung up the phone.
    Her spirits were a great deal lighter as she stacked the papers neatly on her desk and tucked the laptop into her briefcase. She left the office and locked the door behind her.

    Isaac had just taken his final photo when his cell phone rang. “Yeah?”
    “She's at work this morning. I wasn't counting on that. You'll have to steer clear of her office,” Alex said. “I thought she wasn't coming in today.”
    “So did I. But I just called her office, and she picked up. You'll have to go back later.”
    “Okay.” Isaac tucked the camera into his front pocket. He was just about to leave the Gem and Mineral Collection when he looked up and saw Abby walking toward him, with keys in one hand and a briefcase in the other. “Hey Al?” he said.
    “You were holding out on me.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Well, you told me she was pretty, but you failed to mention how great she looks in jeans.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “She's walking straight toward me.”
    “Really? What's she doing there?” Alex asked.
    “We'll talk later,” Isaac said.
    “Hey, don't go messing with my territory.”
    “Don't worry, little brother. I know what my job is. I trust you do as well.”
    “That's why I love my job,” Alex said. “I get to mix business with pleasure.”
    Isaac stuck the phone into his pocket and pulled out his camera. He wandered around the gallery as unobtrusively as possible, taking pictures of Abby as she stared at the Hope Diamond.
    She stayed in the gallery for just a couple of moments, gazing silently at the deep blue stone. Abby brushed her fingers against the display case, her face unreadable, andthen turned on her heel and left. A thought occurred to Isaac, and he looked at the thick glass display case for a moment. It was in the direct view of at least six different security cameras. He had an idea.
    Isaac stepped into the hallway and walked toward a security guard a few yards away.

    Once back at her apartment, Abby drank two more cups of

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