Eye of the God

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Book: Eye of the God by Ariel Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariel Allison
coffee and let the cobwebs clear from her mind. Door and windows locked tight, she climbed in the shower and let the hot water pour over her until her fingertips puckered and turned white. Dow and DeDe, efficient people that they were, would consider it a pure waste of water to take such a long shower, but that was where Abby did her best thinking.
    Thirty minutes later she emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel on her head, an old tee shirt, and a pair of sweats. She gathered her laptop, clicked on the TV, and plopped on the sofa. The sound of the morning news faded into background as she checked her email. Her face went pale.
    There was only one message in her inbox, but it was enough to make her heart skip a beat. The sender was Douglas Mitchell.
    “Dad,” Abby muttered.
    She waited a moment before clicking on the message and then read:
    I'm going to be in town next Friday, and wondered if you wanted to have lunch.
    “Hello to you too,” she snapped. She stared at the screen for a few minutes and then tentatively hit the reply key.
    Friday is crazy for me. What do you say we have breakfast?
    She let the cursor hover over the send button for an uncomfortable length of time, debating whether to reply at all. She squeezed her eyes shut, let out a sigh, and sent the message.
    Why do you do this to yourself, Abby? It never ends well.

    The security badge declared his name was Randy Jacobs, Smithsonian Physical Security Specialist, and that his clearance level was A5. The picture had obviously been taken several years ago and showed a thinner, happier version of the disgruntled employee. However, it was the magnetic strip on the back that captured Isaac's interest. The badge hung from a nylon pulley attached to a clip at Randy's waist.
    Isaac approached the guard, transforming into a friendly tourist. “Excuse me, sir,” he said.
    “I seem to have misplaced my wife.” Isaac looked sheepish. “She left about thirty minutes ago to take a picture of the Hooker Emerald Brooch. I think she said she was going that way.” He pointed down the hall, drawing the guard's attention with his outstretched right hand. “But I've gotten all turned around, and now I can't find her.”
    As Randy looked down the hallway, Isaac slowly raised his left hand and carefully unclipped the badge with the skill of a veteran pickpocket.
    “No, no,” Randy said, shaking his head. “You're looking in the wrong place. That wing of the collection houses all the minerals. You're looking for gems.”
    As Isaac maintained eye contact, listening to his directions and nodding emphatically, he pulled the camera from his pocket and slid the security badge into an empty slot that would normally hold the camera's battery. He waited three seconds while it read the information on the magnetic strip and then removed it, waiting for his opportunity to return the badge.
    “Yeah,” Isaac said, offering an appreciative smile. “I see where I've gone wrong.” He gave Randy a good natured slap on the back, while clipping the badge back in place with his free hand. “Thanks, man,” he said, offering a genuine smile. “I appreciate it.”
    “No problem, sir. I hope you find your wife.”
    “I'm sure I will. She just won't want to leave. You know women and jewelry!”

    Dow juggled the tottering stack of newspapers in his arms so he could answer the phone. DeDe sat in front of her easel carefully blending colors in preparation to paint. On her left was a print of Edvard Munch's classic, The Scream. She took a deep breath, swirled her brush on the pallet, and swept it across the empty canvas.
    Dow managed to grab the receiver just before it went to voice mail. “Hello?”
    “Dad emailed,” Abby said. Her voice sounded shaky.
    “No phone call?”
    “He never calls. You know that. Phone calls are too personal.”
    Dow carefully set down his stack of papers and tugged at his earlobe. “What did he want?”

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