test gets canceled because the teacher was struck by lightning Immola Iovi iuvencum ut magistro tacto de caelo probatio relinquatur III. EXTRA CREDIT — QUAESTIO ADDITA PRAEMII GRATIA Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks even when bearing___ Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et ___ ferentes shish kebabs carunculas veribus fixas stuffed grape leaves folia vitis oryza farta baklava crustula laminosa the check syngrapham Send a slave over later with the answer, and if he gets it wrong, lop off his ears Mitte brevi postea servum qui responsum referat atque si erret praecide aures ei I., E; II, E; III, E.
Romulus and Remus Jokes— ROMULI REMIQUE IOCULARIA ROMULUS: Why did the sacred chicken cross the Appian Way? ROMULUS: Quem ob rem pullus sacer viam Appiam transivit? REMUS: I do not know. Let us cut it open and see if the entrails provide an explanation for this inauspicious behavior! REMUS: Nescio. Eum evisceremus ut, extane ostensura sint illius infausti facti causam, comperiamus! ROMULUS: Why do Roman firemen wear red suspenders? ROMULUS: Cur gerunt siphonarii Romani retinacula rubra? REMUS: I do not know—let us set the city ablaze and see if their pants fall down! REMUS: Nescio. Urbem incendamus ut, sintne delapsurae bracae eorum, comperiamus! ROMULUS: Why did the Helvetian moron throw the water clock out the window? ROMULUS: Quare iecit caudex Helvetius clepsydram de fenestra?
* Why did the sacred chicken cross the Appian way? ** I do not know. Let us cut it open and see if the entrails provide an explanation for this inauspicious behavior! *** I growl REMUS: I do not know, but I feel certain that after ten years chained to an oar as a galley slave he will be eager to reveal the reason for his rash act! REMUS: Nescio; pro certo tamen habeo istum, decem annos vinctum in servitio ad remum intra navem longam, cupidum futurum revelare rationem sui temerarii facti!
The Legion of Superheroes— LEGIO HEROUM MAXIMORUM Faster than a speeding chariot . . . Celerior quam currus festinans . . . More powerful than a Carthaginian war-elephant . . . Valentior quam elephas bellicus Punicus . . . Able to conjugate irregular verbs without making a single mistake . . . Potis anomala verba sine lapsu declinare . . . It’s Ro-Man! Romanus est!
T-shirt Slogans— TITULI TUNICALES CARPE NAREM Pick your nose CAPE SOMNUM Catch some “z’s” CAPIAMUS CEREVISIAM Let’s grab a beer CAVE LABOREM Beware of work MORANS FAC PAUSAM UT SEDES BIROTARUM OLFACIAS Take time to stop and smell the bicycle seats PUTEO ERGO SUM I stink, therefore I am VENI, VIDI, VOMUI I came, I saw, I blew lunch SOLVE LORA INFERNIS Unleash hell OSTENDE MIHI PECUNIAM Show me the money PARENTES MEI DIMIDIUM EUROPAE DESPOLIA VERUNT. EGO TAMEN NIL ACCEPI PRAETER HANC TUNICULAM MISELLAM My parents plundered half of Europe and all I got was this stupid T-shirt ABES ETIAM A CONSILIO INSULTANDI MIHI NISI LATINE LOQUI SCIAS Don’t even think of dissing me unless you speak Latin ILLUC IVI, ILLUD FECI Been there, done that
Bumper Stickers— TITULI CURRULES I’d rather be pillaging Malim praedari I’m dumb and I vote Hebes sum et suffragia fero My child can beat the crap out of your wimpy honor student Filius meus puerum tuum studiosum laureatum mollem deverberare potest Thank you for not thanking me for not smoking Tibi gratias ago quod mihi gratias non agis quod fumum non comedo Visualize world conquest Habe ante oculos devictionem mundi Keep honking—I’m reloading Perge cornu canere—sclopetum repleo Horn broken—watch for finger Buccina fracta—exspecta signum digiti impudici Barbarian on board Barbarus in curru Proud of our brutal police Vigilitus nostris crudelibus gloriantes Stop the aqueduct, save the unicorns Sistite constructionem aquaeductus ut conservetis unicornes I brake for lunch Frenos inhibere soleo pransurus Don’t blame me—I voted for Miss Piggy Nolite me