Woman King
toward her, intending to gently tap her
on the shoulder, but as I approached she opened her eyes with a
    “Olivia,” she said, smiling, “you’ve returned
to this world. How do you feel?”
    “I feel great,” I said. “My back is a little
sore from sleeping on a rock, but other than that, I feel fine.” As
I stood looking at Elsa, I began to see some of the same colors I
had from the night before. Elsa was gently giving off waves of
yellow and orange as she stood before me.
    “You’re giving off colors again,” I said.
    As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a
rush of warmth invade my body. It was the feeling of pleasure, but
the feeling was not my own. It belonged to Elsa. “I can feel your
pleasure, too,” I said, shaking my head. “Is that what you hoped
would happen?” Again, a rush of warmth ran through me. “You’re
pleased. I can tell.”
    “I am pleased,” she responded, rising from
the bench to stretch. “How much more you can do with your gift
remains to be seen. We’re going to work on it a bit, and then I am
going to introduce you to a group of people who are very interested
in meeting you. They’d like you to come and work for them.”
    We walked back to the house in silence, my
mind too preoccupied with the show unfurling before me. As I walked
past people on the street I could clearly see the outline of their
auras and feel their emotions. Unfiltered, it was disorienting, and
by the time we got to the front door, my stomach was churning with
all of the morning angst I’d picked up as my neighbors headed off
to work. I placed my hand against the door jam and closed my eyes
for a moment, remembering Elsa’s advice from the night before.
After a few moments of deep breathing, I regained control of my
senses. I nearly had been overwhelmed by other people’s emotions,
but with some measure of confidence, I realized that I could calm
my mind when necessary.
    I was about to reach for my hide-a-key, when
the front door flew open. Lily was standing in the doorway half
awake, wearing one of my bathrobes. Evidently, she’d had the good
sense to come home and sleep in a bed.
    I watched velvety green light coming off of
my best friend and felt her happiness at my safe return deep inside
my heart. It was lovely to feel that kind of friendship from
another being.
    “Thank you,” I said. “I am very glad to see
you too. What an adventure we had last night. Did you know that
your light is as green as that island we swam to?”
    Lily giggled. “It worked. You can see my
aura. I am green and sometimes a little blue comes through. Most
fairies are. If you ever see a red color coming off a fairy, you
should run and get away as fast as you can. It means something
horrible is about to happen.”
    I nodded, distracted by my stomach, which
began to grumble.
    “I’m starving. Let’s have some food and we
can talk some more.”
    “I can’t stay,” Lily said. “I have to go to
work. You know the library is open seven days a week.”
    “Suit yourself,” I said. “I am making
    After I had eaten and taken a shower, I came
downstairs to find Elsa sitting on the floor in the living room,
meditating. Legs folded, eyes closed, she was chanting softly. I
could see very strong orange and yellow pulses coming from her body
as she took in breaths of air. I wondered what colors my body gave
off, but when I tried to look after my shower, nothing appeared in
the mirror.
    “Yellow, orange and a twinge of red,” Elsa
said. “I can hear your thoughts now, Olivia. Your mind is very
powerful. We need to be careful so that you don’t telegraph what
you are thinking to those who would use the information against
    I flopped down in a chair and sighed. “You
can hear my thoughts. I can feel your emotions. How is this
supposed to be better for me? I feel more vulnerable than
    “You are more vulnerable… for the moment,”
Elsa said. “It will pass and you will come to learn

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