Within The Shadows
sense told me it was wrong and unnatural, yet I desired him
and his blood. It was as if I had become spellbound. None-the-less,
all the thinking in the world was not about to change the fact that
I was to become betrothed to him, and, worse, I was to carry his
    There had to
be a way of escaping it all, but I did not know who to turn to, who
I could trust. The worst part of it all was that I felt as though I
had wished this all on myself, as though it was my own doing. If I
was able to turn the clock back, I would not have called Alex. I
would not have given Marc a reason to sleep with Evie, but, like
always, everything is great in hindsight.
everything I once knew was now gone. Giving in, I sat in the tub,
and cried. I mourned my lost youth, my freedom, and, more
importantly, I agonized over losing the right to choose my own path
in life. Time passed as the water rested cold and still around my
legs. My eyes were swollen from crying.
    A faint
knock at the door removed me from my inner torment, and brought me
to the present. I looked a mess, completely dishevelled. I refused
to respond, remaining silent in the bath. I did not have the energy
or confidence to talk to anyone. I wanted to be alone, and allowed
to wallow in my self-pity.
came with the next knock. A succession of loud bangs made me
scramble to my feet, almost slipping in the now stagnant water.
Pulling a robe over me, I answered the door, the noise pulsating
through my head.
before me was the same old woman I had bumped into in the corridor
earlier. Her beady eye looked me up and down, whilst her lazy eye
remained motionless. She mumbled something to me. As I was unable
to understand, she raised her voice. Its pitch became a deafening
    Shaking my
head, I shouted, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re
continued to scold me in her strange language, and pushed hard past
me, shoving me up against the door. Her small frame was not as
fragile as it looked.
    I watched
her move around the room, erratically looking for something. She
talked constantly, repeating the same thing over and over. Her
voice began to get on my nerves, and I could feel my temper start
to rise.
    “ Oh, shut up!” I bellowed. “Just shut the hell
still, she eyed me, and stared, long and hard. Her eyes were icy
cold and red, and they scared the crap out of me.
    “ Saty!” she pointed at me. “Saty! Diet’a ste
    Rushing past
me, she went inside the wardrobe, throwing clothes to the floor.
Suddenly, she roared with laughter. “Ano, to je jedna.” She turned
to me, and handed me the dress.
    “ Saty!” Her smile was almost gentle.
    “ Dress? You want me to put the dress on?” I asked, holding
the beautiful white gown in my hand.
    “ Ano, ano,
    I did not
understand a word she said, but I obviously had to wear the dress.
Obediently, I did as I was told.
    The dress
was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. The fabric alone felt
luxurious against my skin. The gown’s chiffon bodice was completely
covered with the most delicate jewelled beading and intricately
embroidered pattern I had ever seen. A taffeta sash was placed high
across the waist, and was of a soft shade of grey marl. The skirt
gracefully moved as I walked across the room. Standing in front of
the mirror, I gasped. The dress was stunning on me. It made me feel
like a princess.
    “ Krasny.” The old woman smiled, holding her hand to her
    I did not
have the heart to argue with her, so I stood still, staring at my
reflection. That was when Atarah entered the room. Smiling, she
walked up behind me, and placed her hands on either side of my
waist. Smelling of vanilla and rosewood, her scent wrapped itself
around me, making me dizzy.
    “ You truly
are beautiful, Giselle.”
    “ Thanks,” I
falsely muttered.
    Sighing, I
turned to face her. I felt as though I could talk to her. She
seemed so motherly and nurturing, and

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