nothing over twenty pounds. They weren’t sure if this was due to the actual weight of the monkey, or the species of monkey. During the fall of Nazi Germany, the Russians had learned about the expedition and the experiments on the Jews, and feared that Hitler had gone through treatments so as to be unkillable. Therefore, when the Russians found Hitler’s bunker, they had taken him alive and kept him imprisoned for five years outside of Leningrad. Eventually, the Soviets realized that the Nazi scientists had not been able to solve the weight barrier.
Regardless, not wanting to take chances, they had shot Hitler in the head and burned his body before dumping his ashes into the sea. For the next forty years, the Soviets decoded the spores, learning that they contained a complex virus, but they too were unable to successfully pass the weight barrier. They did discover that other mammals were not affected by the virus, only primates.
In the thirty years since, the Chinese had gotten it right and solved the weight barrier. This much Cliff had been able to learn, but the location of the facility was still a mystery, although he had begun to believe it may be in the caves and caverns of North Korea.
Having confirmed the existence of the virus, Cliff’s organization had arranged for a group of scientists contracted with the Defense Intelligence Agency to work on this new threat. Cliff had been able to secure a reanimated dead chimpanzee for the group, who believed they were only about six months away from being able to counteract the ancient virus that had been modified to reanimate the dead. If there was any chance for the future, it lay with this group of scientists at their facility in Groom Lake, Nevada. Cliff hoped they were still safe. He needed to get to them, but first he had to get out of Denver, and to do that, he had to make it out of the damned airport.
Maypearl , Texas
Jack drove across a small section of grass before getting to the dirt road leading to the Royal Rangers campground. The camp was built at a Soil Conversation Service Site Reservoir, which was a decent-sized lake that stocked fish. The water could be made to drink with a little filtration and chlorine treatment, and there were plenty of wooded areas that gave limited trapping for food. However, the most important part of the site was the group’s cache.
The ir original idea for the cache was to have some sealed containers buried far away from the parade grounds the campers used to hold their church services, but they were afraid that some camper might dig up the cache by accident. They had ultimately decided on buying two large blue plastic water containers, nearly six feet tall and six feet in diameter, but instead of holding water, they modified them to form a single tank.
The modified tank had a top section that slid upwards, but would sit flush on the ground to prevent showing a seam. The bottom of the tank was buried, and created a watertight enclosure for the group’s supplies. By the end of that three-day long weekend trip, Jack, Malachi, and Bexar had built, filled, and buried their modified tank.
Bexar had a friend at the City’s road and sign department make a sign that looked official and read: “Property of the U.S. Government Water Conservation Program. Report Problems (888) 895-5553.” That phone number went to a call service voicemail that simply asked the caller to leave a message describing the problem. Malachi had found the number; he wasn’t sure who owned the phone number or the voicemail, but it didn’t matter since the chances of someone calling the number due to a single sign on a secluded property in Maypearl, Texas was pretty remote.
Jack was glad there hadn’t been a Royal Rangers camping trip this week, since it may have been hard to explain why they were there; then again, would the campers have stayed on site two days into The End Of The World As We Know It, or would they have fled for
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