Will the Real Raisin Rodriguez Please Stand Up?

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Book: Will the Real Raisin Rodriguez Please Stand Up? by Judy Goldschmidt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Goldschmidt
it’ll be nice to spend time just the two of us.”
    â€œRiiiight,” said Pia.
    She sounded funny when she said it. Like she knew something I didn’t. “Is that okay with you?” I asked.
    â€œOh yeah,” said Pia. “Don’t even worry about it. Before you got here, the three of us already decided that we’d all get together after Christmas dinner to have our own celebration and to exchange presents. So we’ll still get to celebrate Christmas with you.”
    The three of them decided?! I guess it’s a done deal. Whatever we do, Vivvy does too. Regardless of whether she’s nice to me or not.
    â€œDo I have to get Vivvy a present?” I asked.
    â€œShe got you one,” said Pia.
    â€œShe did?” I asked, thinking, of course she did. She had the advantage of Pia and Claudia actually telling her things. “Well, how do I know what to get her?!”
    â€œWe were planning on going vintage shopping tomorrow. You can get her something then. I’m telling you, Raise, you guys are just alike! Get her something you’d want.”
    Great! I’d want a week without Vivvy hanging around. Can I get her that?
    â€œFine. I’ll give it some thought,” I said. “And may I ask you one more thing about Ms. Vivvy?”
    â€œUh, sure,” Pia said, sounding a little bit wary.
    â€œHow does she get her hair so shiny and glossy?”
    â€œProduct,” Pia answered, in a very respectful tone. “Lots of anti-frizz product. The best that money can buy.”
    â€œI see,” I said. And with my head bowed, I bid Pia farewell.
    Don’t judge me. I’m not two-faced. Sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to avoid the frizzies.
    After I hung up, my father knocked on my door to see how my day went.
    â€œWhat’s new and exciting, Rae? How are my old pals Pia and Claudia?” he asked. I looked like I’d been crying.
    â€œSwami, what’s wrong?” He pulled a lock of hair away from my eyes. I told him that I’d invited Pia and Claudia on the boat ride, but they’d already made plans to go to a friend’s Christmas party. I didn’t mention Vivvy at all. I didn’t want him to feel bad for me for being such a loser and coming all the way out here only to find out that my oldest friends already found someone they like better than me.
    â€œJust because they made plans for Christmas Eve doesn’t mean they don’t still care about you as much as always,” my dad said. “And the truth is,” he added, “We wouldn’t have had room for Pia and Claudia anyway.”
    â€œWhy not? Now that Pia puts those magnets on her wrist, she never throws up anymore. And Claudia promised us she’d never jump into the dinghy without first asking again.”
    â€œI know. And it’s not that I wouldn’t love to have them. It’s just that there isn’t room for them this time because I’m bringing a friend of mine.”
    I was a little surprised to hear that my dad was bringing a friend. He never brought a friend before. Then again, he used to bring my mother, who was kind of like a friend to him. And Lola. Though she’s nothing like a friend unless he’s started hanging out with people who need help reaching the sink and cutting their meat.
    â€œWho? Ravi Singh? Wait! Not Madonna?” I said, getting really excited for a minute.
    â€œActually, it’s my friend Danny.”
    â€œDanny? I don’t know him. Is he another friend from your Divorced Dads group? I really liked that other guy—what was his name—Franco? I loved the way he could fit an entire hamburger in his mouth at one time,” I said, giggling. “Can Danny do that too?”
    â€œI’m not sure, Swami. We’ll have to ask her.”
    Her? I wondered. Did he just say her? What kind of her is named Danny?
    â€œHer?” I asked. “Did you

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