Wild Roses

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Book: Wild Roses by Miriam Minger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miriam Minger
Tags: Fiction, Historical fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Historical Romance, Medieval
him, from the rich
mahogany of his hair to strong, sinewed legs honed from much riding, legs that
were snugly accentuated by black hose and leather boots worn to the knee. And
his features, so brooding to her in the evening firelight, made her think now
that she had never seen a man more fiercely handsome, with his dark slashing
brows and straight nose framed by cheekbones and a square jawline cut as if
from granite.
    But what truly struck her were his eyes, a deep,
penetrating brown, both warm and intense. Or mayhap that he was staring at her
so intently too, his gaze moving over her . . . sweet Jesu, Mary, and Joseph!
    Flushing to her toes, Maire looked down at the floor,
at her tightly clenched hands, cleared her throat, and then glanced up again to
find him still studying her, no hint of emotion upon his face although his eyes
only appeared warmer. With growing panic, she looked over at the tub, and he
followed her gaze, which made her wonder crazily if he might imagine her
bathing, as naked as last night in the bed when he had pulled her into his arms
    "If it's not enough water, I could have the
servants bring you more."
    He might have uttered pure gibberish for how stupidly
she stared at him, and she could only shake her head no, that wasn't what she
wanted at all. She wanted not to be thinking such disturbing thoughts! She
wanted to be outside the castle walls and far, far away from this place!
Glancing around her desperately for some way to put more distance between herself and Duncan, Maire retreated to the bed and took
refuge behind a massive corner post, peering around it warily.
    To her surprise she heard a heavy sigh, Duncan now
looking at the floor and shaking his head.
    "Dammit, woman, I've no intention of hurting you.
I only came here to see how you fared—God's teeth, as a guest at Longford
Castle, not a prisoner! Now, will you speak with me or not?"
    Maire swallowed, his tone not so angry as exasperated. He didn't appear angry either, while here she cowered
like a timid mouse behind the post. And Triona thought her courageous! Praying
for even a wee bit of the plucky boldness possessed by her sister-in-law, Maire
shoved a loose strand of hair from her face and ventured a step from the bed.
    "F-forgive me. Truly, you've been more than
hospitable . . ."
    Maire fell silent, finding it as disconcerting to speak
to a Norman as if he were merely a gracious host as that he looked at her as if
relieved she bore a coherent tongue in her head. She followed his gaze to the
tray lying overturned on the floor and the empty wine goblet atop the bed,
shrugging apologetically. "I arose too quickly, and the tray—"
    "Actually, I was wondering about the
    Maire reddened at the snowy goose down drifting like
gossamer across the floor, not knowing if she dare mention Flanna visiting her
or not . . .
    "My mistress has never been one to mask her
feelings. I'll speak to her—"
    "No, no, please don't trouble yourself ,"
Maire blurted out, stunned that Duncan had guessed the cause of the mess.
"She was angry, at first—seeing me in your bed . . . b-but I—" A
blush racing to her scalp, she focused on the middle of Duncan's chest, unable
to meet his eyes, and forced herself to continue. "I told her nothing had
happened, that you hadn't touched me . . ."
    Again Maire faltered, remembering all too well the
heaviness of Duncan's hands upon her, his fingers slipping into her body, and
wishing wildly in the next instant that she could forget as her heart began to
thunder and a strange warmth filled her belly.
Suddenly weak in the knees, she made for the refuge of the bed again and sank
down upon the mattress. This time it was Duncan who roughly cleared his throat.
    "Now you must forgive me. I didn't know . . . By
the blood of God, I could throttle that woman!"
    He had strode to stare grimly out a window, affording
to Maire a view of his broad back, as imposing as the rest of the man, when she
briefly lifted her head. But she

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